
Reflect is a 5-minute meditation web application. This API uses GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE requests to manage the users database and the meditations database.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reflect API

This is the back-end server API for my second Full-Stack Capstone project for Thinkful's software engineering bootcamp.

This project was created with:

  • Node
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL

API Documentation:

All responses come in standard JSON. All requests must include a content-type of application/json and the body must be valid JSON.


** This app requires authorization/authentication. The front end provides a Demo account from the database, or the user can create their own.

Reflections endpoint: /api/reflections/:user_id

  • Must be a valid user in the database
  • GET
  • POST

Reflections endpoint: /api/reflections/meditations/:user_id

  • Must be a valid user in the database

Auth endpoint: /api/auth/login

  • Authorization Login for user in the database
  • POST

Auth endpoint: /api/auth/refresh

  • refresh authToken
  • POST

Users endpoint: /api/users

  • create a new user in the database
  • create JWT for user
  • POST


This app is deployed through Heroku

To seed the meditations table: psql -U dunder_mifflin -d reflections -f ./seeds/seed.meditations.sql

To seed the users table: psql -U dunder_mifflin -d reflections -f ./seeds/seed.users.sql

To connect to the database: pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start