
Modified version of RunCPM/cpu.h which is able to run multiple insntace in a single process.

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Instantiable RunCPM/cpu.h Z80 CPU emulator

This is a modified version of cpu.h from RunCPM which emulates Z80 CPU.

The point of modification is struct (class) which allows to instantiate multiple CPU cores in a single process.

Since my purpose is verification of Z80 emulator, I also include zexall.com.


  • g++
g++ -std=c++17 -O3 src/instantiable-runcpm-z80cpu.cpp
./a.out external/zexall/zexall.com
  • clang++
clang++ -std=c++17 -O3 src/instantiable-runcpm-z80cpu.cpp
./a.out external/zexall/zexall.com
  • VC++2022

Input the following command in the "Developer Command Prompt for VS2022"

cl.exe /std:c++20 /O2 /EHsc src\instantiable-runcpm-z80cpu.cpp src\runcpm_cpu.cpp
.\instantiable-runcpm-z80cpu.exe external\zexall\zexall.com
  • Windows (LLVM)

The default build script run.cmd automatically setup LLVM environment under %PUBLIC%\Documents\DevEnv_instantiable-runcpm-z80cpu"
