
WordPress stack for developers

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Version 2 Updates

Mission Control:

  • Restructured asset directory
  • Removed rev-manifest and unique-asset creation
  • Convert js compilation to Rollup
  • Simplified lib directory
  • Add theme config for gulp, as well as local config for browsersync


  • Updated Composer dependency versions

A WordPress craft launched with Composer, manned with automation.


Apollo is a two stage unit: A WordPress Stack built with Composer, and a Starter Theme packed with Sass, Gulp, Bower, and a Theme Wrapper structure.

Minimum Requirements (Stack)

Versions listed are required to be equal to or greater than.

Minimum Requirements (Theme)

Versions listed are required to be equal to or greater than.

Global NPM Packages:

  • Gulp v3.9.1^ npm install -g gulp
  • Browsersync v2.11.1^ npm install -g browser-sync


Make sure you have everything listed in the above requirements installed & download this repo (or clone it and change the remote repo url).

  • Open your terminal, cd into the directory you just cloned (base directory).
  • Edit composer.json to add plugins as needed. See Adding Plugins
  • Run composer create-project
  • If developing locally: point local hosts to the base directory.
  • Edit the wp-config that is created in the base directory with your database and url credentials.
  • Change the name of the Theme (app/themes/mission-control) as needed.
  • Edit the style.css file in the theme directory with your own information as needed
  • Open the gulpfile.js file and edit the devUrl variable to match your host url.
  • cd to the theme directory and run npm install. The gulp task should run at the end of installation.
  • Run gulp --production to complete theme initialization for staging and production enviornments
  • Start coding. Shoot for the moon.

Stack Setup

Apollo creates a stack that defers from a typical WordPress install. Apollo uses Composer to build out a managed instance, so the file structure is changed a bit. wp-content (themes, plugins, uploads, etc.) is redirected to app. WordPress files live in wp.

You should never edit files in wp, as changes are not tracked in git. Additionally, files in app/plugins, app/uploads, and app/mu-plugins are not tracked in git. Why? Because plugins and mu-plugins are managed through composer, and uploads are costly files to track in git. It's the price of automation :)

Note: Due to the setup of the stack, Apollo does not play well in enviornments where a typical WordPress install is expected (such as using CiviCRM or Pantheon for deployment).


Site Configuration

Apollo creates a wp-config file in the base project directory. Edit the database configuration as normal. Update the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL definitions to match your enviornment urls. WP_SITEURL should always end with /wp.

Environment Configuration

Environments are controlled via the WP_ENV definition in wp-config.php and should be one of the following options:

  • development
  • staging
  • production

This definition controls how errors are output and whether or not certain functions should be ran. Local development? Use development. Site running live? Use production. Testing on a staging server?...take a guess.

Want to change or add environmental attributes?

See lib/config/apollo-config.php.

WordPress Versions

Apollo uses the [John Bloch Composer Repo] (https://github.com/johnpbloch/wordpress-core-installer) to install WordPress. To update WP, simply update the version of "johnpbloch/wordpress" in composer.json to match the version of WordPress you would like.

Adding Plugins

Apollo's composer.json is setup to connect with the [WordPress Packagist] (http://wpackagist.org/) library. If you want to use a plugin, find it in the WordPress plugin repo, and copy the slug. In composer.json, add the plugin slug prepended by wpackagist-plugin/ and its version in the require array.

Example: "wpackagist-plugin/duplicate-post": "~2.6",


Mission Control

Theme docs are maintained here.



Report all issues [here] (https://github.com/t-minus-ten/apollo/issues)


This project is heavily influenced by [Bedrock] (https://github.com/roots/bedrock) and [Sage] (https://github.com/roots/sage) by the [Roots] (https://roots.io/) team. A lot of the code here has been adopted from or inspired by those projects, such as [the wrapper] (https://roots.io/sage/docs/theme-wrapper/).