
Process FRITZ!Box configuration data using the TR-064 protocol

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT




Process FRITZ!Box configuration data using the TR-064 protocol.


fritzen.pl --service <value> --action <value> [other options...]

fritzen.pl --service <value> --task <value> [other options...]


-s,--service         deviceconfig | deviceinfo | ...
-a,--action          getinfo | getsecurityport | ...
-t,--task            backup | restore | ...

-u,--username        SOAP username
-p,--password        SOAP password
-d,--deviceurl       UPnP URL of FRITZ!Box

-c,--cfgfile         config filename
-l,--logfile         log filename
-v,--loglevel        debug | info | warn

-w,--workdir         working directory
-g,--git             git init/commit

-q,--quiet           suppress screen messages
-h,--help            show help screen

--configpw           password for config file protection

--serverproto        internal webserver protocol
--serveraddr         internal webserver ip address
--serverport         internal webserver tcp port
--sslcertfile        internal webserver ssl certificate file
--sslkeyfile         internal webserver ssl private key file


-s, --service

    TR-064 service (mandatory): deviceconfig, deviceinfo or ontel

-a, --action

    TR-064 action to perform. Either an action or a task must be given.

    List of actions for service deviceconfig:

        - factory-reset: Reset FRITZ!Box to factory settings. Use with care!

        - reboot: Reboot FRITZ!Box. Note: The FRITZ!Box will reboot itself automatically approx. 30 seconds after restore from file.

    List of actions for service deviceinfo:

        - getinfo: Get miscellaneous information about FRITZ!Box hardware and software.

        - getsecurityport: Get HTTPS port of FRITZ!Box for secure information.

    List of actions for service ontel:


    List of actions for service wandslinterfaceconfig:

        - getinfo: Get status information about current DSL connection.

        - getstatisticstotal: Get statistics on current DSL connection.

        - getdsldiagnoseinfo: Returns the state of a DSL diagnose.

    List of actions for service wancommoninterfaceconfig:

        - getcommonlinkproperties: Get information about access type, bit rates and link status.

        - gettotalbytessent: Get number of total bytes sent.

        - gettotalbytesreceived: Get number of total bytes received.

        - gettotalpacketssent: Get number of total packets sent.

        - gettotalpacketsreceived: Get number of total packets received.

        - setwanaccesstype: Set WAN access type to one of the following values: DSL, Ethernet, X_AVM-DE_Fiber (Fiber), X_AVM-DE_UMTS (UMTS), X_AVM-DE_Cable (Cable), X_AVM-DE_LTE (LTE) (abbreviations placed in parentheses). For example "--setwanaccesstype:dsl" will set the access type to DSL.

-t, --task

    Task to perform. Either an action or a task must be given.

    List of tasks for service deviceconfig:

        - backup: Backup FRITZ!Box configuration to file.

        - restore: Restore FRITZ!Box configuration from file.

    List of tasks for service deviceinfo:


    List of actions for service ontel:

        - backup: Backup all phonebooks to files.

        - backup:id : Backup phonebook from file by ID. For example "--action backup:1" will back up the phonebook with ID #1.

        - delete: Delete all phonebooks on the FRITZ!Box. The phonebooks will be deleted top-down, starting with the highest ID first.

        - delete:id : Delete phonebook identified by ID on the FRITZ!Box. Note that phonebooks with IDs above ID will "slide down" and the FRITZ!Box will reassign them new IDs. As a result, phonebook IDs on the FRITZ!Box and the respective backup file numbering will be out of sync and require manual rework.

        - list: List available phonebooks on the FRITZ!Box.

        - restore: Restore all phonebooks from files.

        - restore:id : Restore phonebook by ID from file.

-u, --username

    SOAP username (better use config file)

-p, --password

    SOAP password (better use config file)

-d, --deviceurl

    UPnP URL of FRITZ!Box (default: http://fritz.box:49000)

-c, --cfgfile

    Config filename (default: fritzen.cfg)

-l, --logfile

    Log filename (default: fritzen.log)

-v, --loglevel

    Log level: debug, info or warn (default: info).

-w, --workdir

    Working directory (default: current directory). Must be writeable. This is where all backed up files will be stored and a git repository will be initialized (if option --git is set). It is ecommended to use distinct and different working directories for different devices and/or sets of configuration data.

-g, --git

    Commit files to git repository (switch, default: false). Init git repository in working directory if not already done.

-q, --quiet

    Suppress screen messages i. e. when running in cronjob (switch, default: false).


    Password for config file protection. If unset the SOAP passsord will be used.


    Serve files for FRITZ!Box either with HTTP or HTTPS protocol (default: http). The module HTTP::Daemon::SSL is required for HTTPS. Use http if the installation of HTTP::Daemon::SSL fails on your system and edit Fritzen/Common.pm to set "SSL_AVAILABLE => 0".


    Serve files for FRITZ!Box with this IP address (default: auto-discovered IPv4 address of your system)


    Serve files for FRITZ!Box with this TCP port (default: 8888)


    SSL certificate file for HTTPS server (default: ssl/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem)


    SSL key file for HTTPS server (default: ssl/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key)

-h, --help

    Print this help screen and exit.