
Puppet Repo for the Freifunk München infrastructure

Primary LanguagePuppet


These are puppet manifests to set up Freifunk gateways and servers that are compatible with the gluon firmware. The goal is to keep them as general and configurable as possible to be used in other communities.

Status: very experimental

what's missing right now

  • There is no configuration of a vpn for the user-traffic from the routers. Therefor the traffic is either directly going into the internet or cannot be delivered at all. (profiles::firewall::route_traffic_through_vpn_tunnel)
  • No Alfred is being configured.
  • no intercity-vpn yet


You should set up a vpn for the traffic which will flow through the new gateway. Until that you should probably stop fastd with "service fastd stop".

base system

As a first step you should install ubuntu 14.04 lts on your machine. Debian Jessie should also work.

bootstrapping the installation

sudo apt-get -y upgrade
curl https://apt.puppetlabs.com/puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb -O
sudo dpkg -i puppetlabs-release-trusty.deb
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get -y install git puppet make ruby-dev
sudo gem install librarian-puppet

cd /opt
sudo git clone https://github.com/freifunkMUC/puppet-ffm.git
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER puppet-ffm
cd puppet-ffm
librarian-puppet install


$EDITOR hieradata/hosts/$(facter fqdn).yaml

If you are not on the system which should be changed, you need to use the fqdn of the corresponding virtual machine as the name of the yaml-file.

Example hieradata/hosts/$(facter fqdn).yaml file:


role: gateway

community: ffmuc
batman_bridge: brffmuc

vpn_service: mullvad
gateway_number: 100

fastd::secret_key: 'INSERT SECRET KEY'
fastd::public_key: 'INSERT PUBLIC KEY'

batman_adv::version: '2014.4'

  • gateway_number: anything from 1 to 255
  • fastd::secret_key: you need to provide this key by yourself by using the command "fastd --generate-key"
  • fastd::public_key: you need to provide this key by yourself by using the command "fastd --generate-key"
  • vpn_service: which vpn-provider do you use? right now it is only mullvad supported but it should be rather easy to adjust to others

You should also have a look at "hieradata/common.yaml" which has several default parameters set. This data however gets overwritten by the more specific file "hieradata/$( facter fqdn ).yaml".

If you would like to use Vagrant for setting up a Virtual Machine you will need to create and change "configs.yaml" as well.

In the configs.yaml which comes with the code you can see a working example. The one thing you need to change for sure is "boxname". Use the name of a ubuntu 14.04.1_lts vagrant-box you prepared or downloaded for this purpose. The example-file also refers to a provider 'libvirt' which you may install with "vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt".

box behind nat

Please look up how to set up the right firewall-rules for your operating system to forward the port to your Virtual Machine if you want to use this kind of setup.

With Vagrant

After you modified "configs.yaml" to your needs, you may hit "vagrant up" into your terminal. Make sure, that your Operating System is allowing you to add the NFS-folders and that the firewall is not blocking nfs.

Without Vagrant

This changes the configuration and packages of your machine where you are logged in right now! Etckeeper comes with this installation so you may check for changes there as well.

sudo ./apply.sh

A new Kernel for Ubuntu 14.04. LTS

Because puppet installed you a new kernel, you need to reboot your machine. It is possible, that fastd isn't correctly setting up the bat0 interface after a reboot. If this is the case, you need to restart fastd by hand.

using mullvad as vpn-service

append to hieradata/hosts/$FQDN.yaml: vpn_service: mullvad

copy your mullvadconfig.zip to puppet-ffm/site/profiles/files/mullvad/ before you are starting puppet

fastd clients

In the file "hieradata/client-peers.yaml" exists an array of public keys of fastd clients.


  - 'insert first key here...'
  - 'insert second key here...'
  - 'insert third key here...'
  - '...'

If you change the client-peers you should just run puppet again, either with sudo ./apply.sh or with vagrant provision.

fastd servers

In the file "hieradata/server-peers.yaml" may a hash of fastd-data of other gateways exist.

    public_key: '...'
    fastd_port: 10000
    contact: 'contact.example.com'

code checking & testing

For syntax and lint checking install the ruby dependencies i.e. with bundler and call rake:

bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bundle exec rake

Use bundle update to keep your Gems up-to-date.