
Brainfuck Interpreter

Primary LanguagePython

Requires Python 3.6

PyPy (https://www.pypy.org/) is recommended as it results in enormous speedups on longer running BF programs.

usage: bf.py [-h] [-c [{8,16,32}]] [-d [N]] file [input]

Input can be read from stdin, a file, or a pipe

Cell count:
30000 cells and expands by 30000 if the data pointer reaches the end
Program exits if the data pointer goes below zero

Cell size:
Unsigned 8 bit by default with options to use 16 or 32 bit cells
Cell size can be specified with the -c, --cell-size flag
Values wrap on overflow/underflow

Cell value is not changed on EOF

Supports an additional BF command # that will print N cells and the current value of the data pointer
Number of cells to print can be specified with the -d, --debug flag


Credit to Daniel B Cristofani for the test programs.