Linguado's a language learning terminal program, similar to duolingo. It allows users to practice foreign languages by:
- Translating sentences;
- Transcribing what they hear;
- Choosing one or multiple options to provide an answer to a question;
Linguado requires lessons and courses to be present on the ~/.linguado directory in order to work.
Lessons are just ruby code, and they inherit from the Lesson class:
require 'linguado'
include Linguado
class BasicsI < Lesson
def initialize
super course: 'German', language: 'de-DE', name: 'Basics I'
ask_to write: 'hallo'
ask_to choose: '? katze', answer: 'die', wrong: ['das', 'der']
ask_to translate: 'ich bin fröhlich', answers: ['I am happy', 'I am cheerful']
ask_to select: 'hallo', answers: ['hi', 'hello'], wrong: ['goodbye']
Same thing happens with courses, which inherit from the Course class:
require 'linguado'
require '~/.linguado/basics_i.rb'
require '~/.linguado/basics_ii.rb'
require '~/.linguado/greetings.rb'
require '~/.linguado/phrases.rb'
include Linguado
class German < Course
def initialize
super name: 'German'
topic 'Basics I', lesson:
topic 'Greetings', lesson:, depends_upon: 'Basics I'
topic 'Basics II', lesson:, depends_upon: 'Greetings'
topic 'Phrases', lesson:, depends_upon: 'Greetings'
Courses' filenames should end in _course.rb in order to be recognized.
If you'd like to give your users some leeway on the ortography of words, allowing them to make typos if they don't differ too much from the correct answer, you can use the WordPolicy class. Word policies accept the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description |
levenshtein_distance_allowed | integer | Levenshtein distance tolerated between the correct word and the word the user wrote |
exceptions | array | List of words that can't be written any other way (useful for short words that you want to make sure the user gets right) |
condition | lambda | A lambda accepting a string for a word and returning a boolean. Use it to define conditions for the word policy to apply if you need more control |
Every lesson can have multiple word policies and they're declared on the constructor:
class BasicsI < Lesson
def initialize
# we'll allow a deviation of 2 characters for most words:
general_word_policy = levenshtein_distance_allowed: 2
# the word 'ein' can have a typo, like 'eni' for instance
# but not be mistaken with 'einen' or 'eine':
ein_word_policy = condition: lambda { |word| word == 'ein' },
exceptions: ['einen', 'eine'],
levenshtein_distance_allowed: 2
super course: 'German',
language: 'de-DE',
name: 'Basics I',
word_policies: [general_word_policy, ein_word_policy]
ask_to write: 'es ist ein hund'
Install the non-ruby dependencies libsqlite3-dev, libttspico-utils and sox on your system. In debian-based systems this can be done with:
$ sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev libttspico-utils sox
Install the ruby dependencies:
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec linguado