Crystal library for the Bencoding data serialization format
Bencoding is a simple data serialization format used by the popular BitTorrent P2P file sharing system.
It contains only four data types, namely:
- byte strings
- integers
- lists
- dictionaries
For more info see the bencoding spec.
Add this to your application's shard.yml
github: t-richards/bencoding
require "bencoding"
# Decoding:
Bencoding.decode("d3:foo3:bar3:bazi42ee") # => {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => 42}
# Encoding:
Bencoding.encode("foo bar") # => "7:foo bar"
Bencoding.encode(42) # => "i42e"
Bencoding.encode([1, 2, 3]) # => "li1ei2ei3ee"
Bencoding.encode({"foo" => 1, "bar" => -10}) # => "d3:bari-10e3:fooi1ee"
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- t-richards - Maintainer
- Hamdiakoguz Hamdi Akoğuz - creator