
Compare website blocking effectiveness of popular public DNS servers

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Compare website blocking effectiveness of popular public DNS servers

This tool downloads the latest feed of malicious and deceptive websites from hpHosts and looks up whether these websites are blocked on popular third-party malware-blocking and anti-phishing DNS services.

Read the full blog article and see the initial report on the CryptoAUSTRALIA Blog

DNS Services Supported

hpHosts Feeds Supported

  • PSH : Sites engaged in Phishing (default)
  • EMD : Sites engaged in malware distribution
  • EXP : Sites engaged in hosting, development or distribution of exploits


  • Require python3

  • Install requirements with pip:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Run DiNgoeS with the following command:

    $ python dingoes.py

The CSV format report will be available in the same directory. Open in Excel or similar for further processing.


  • -o : CSV report file name
  • -c : hpHosts feed: PSH (default), EMD or EXP
  • -n : Number of websites from the hpHosts feed to test (default: 500)
  • -s : Shell type - if spinner exceptions occur, set to 1 (default: 0)


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