MacOS for Ryzen 3700X, MSI X470 Gaming Plus Max and RX580
I hadnt used any kind of MacOS since High Sierra and back then, it was again with a Ryzen (1600). So I thought to give BigSur a try. Everything seems to be working fine. Including Sleep. Just remember to add your serial number etc. You know how.
Performance seems kinda "choppy" and laggy. Especially the animations. My GPU is working fine but the AMD mods are not optimized as much. Thanks to the devs though for allowing us to get macOS with Ryzen CPUs
Update 24/07/2022: Updated OpenCore. Works with 12.5 and the latest BIOS. Just make sure to disable BAR. Also, no Mic but you can use VoodooHDA if you wish. Lastly, DSDT was removed. System wouldnt boot with it