
Power BI

Power BI Dashboard - Sales and Revenue Analysis Overview This repository contains a Power BI Dashboard that provides a comprehensive analysis of sales and revenue based on various dimensions such as market, customer, product, and time. The dashboard is designed to offer valuable insights into revenue trends, top customers, top products, revenue contribution percentage by market, profit contribution percentage by market, and profit percentage by market.

Features Revenue by Market: Visualizes the distribution of revenue across different markets, helping to identify key markets driving sales.

Sales by Market: Displays sales data categorized by market, providing a clear overview of sales performance in each market.

Revenue Trend: Presents a time-based analysis of revenue trends, enabling users to identify patterns and make informed decisions.

Top 5 Customer and Top 5 Product: Highlights the top 5 customers and products based on their contribution to revenue, facilitating targeted marketing and inventory management.

Revenue Contribution Percentage by Market: Illustrates the percentage contribution of each market to the total revenue, aiding in market prioritization and strategy development.

Profit Contribution Percentage by Market: Displays the percentage contribution of each market to the overall profit, helping in identifying high-profit markets.

Profit Percentage by Market: Provides insights into the profit percentage achieved in each market, guiding decisions on pricing and cost management.