
The data is collected for multiple pages, and duplicate entries are removed using pandas. The final scraped data is stored in a DataFrame and exported to a CSV file named "filehippo.csv".

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

FileHippo Software Data Scraper

This Python script is designed to scrape software data from the FileHippo website. FileHippo is a popular platform that provides software downloads and information on various software applications. The script specifically targets the most popular software listed on the first 997 pages of the website.

Purpose and Functionality

The purpose of this script is to collect software-related information from FileHippo for further analysis or data mining. The collected data includes the following details for each software:

Software Name: The name of the software application available for download.

Company: The developer or company responsible for creating the software. If the company information is not available, an empty string will be recorded.

License: The type of license associated with the software, indicating the terms under which the software can be used or distributed.

About: A brief summary or description of the software, providing users with an overview of its functionality.

Download Link: The direct link to download the software from FileHippo.


To run the script, you need the following:

Python 3.x: The programming language used for developing the script. numpy: A library used for numerical computations. requests: A library used for making HTTP requests to retrieve web content. pandas: A library used for data manipulation and analysis. BeautifulSoup (from bs4): A library used for parsing HTML and XML documents. The script uses these libraries to connect to the FileHippo website, extract relevant information from the web pages, and store the data in a structured format.


Install the required libraries: pip install numpy requests pandas beautifulsoup4

The script will start scraping data from the FileHippo website. As it progresses through the first 997 pages of popular software, it collects the desired information and stores it in a CSV file named filehippo.csv in the same directory.


The output CSV file (filehippo.csv) will contain a tabular representation of the scraped data, with each row representing a different software application. The columns include:

Software: The name of the software application. Company: The developer or company name (if available). License: The type of license associated with the software. About: A summary or description of the software. Link: The download link for the software.


It's important to note that web scraping should be done responsibly and ethically. Before running the script, ensure that you comply with FileHippo's terms of service and scraping policies. Web scraping can put a strain on the website's server, so use the script with consideration for server resources.

The script is intended for educational purposes and to showcase web scraping techniques. Always seek permission from website owners before scraping data and use the information you collect responsibly.