
Advent of Code solutions

Primary LanguageRust

Advent of Code Solutions

Just a place where I can dump my Advent of Code solutions.

Running solutions

On systems that support the shebang, you should be able to just do ./filename.ext to execute solution files as a script.


I run my Python files using python in the terminal. Simply cd to the correct directory and run the script as python filename.py.


I run my Haskell files as scripts with stack, by cd-ing to the right directory and running stack filename.hs. The Haskell files are set up with the right shebang and comment for this to work. Since some of the Haskell solutions are quite slow when run in interpreted mode, you can run stack --resolver lts-14.16 script filename.hs --optimize to produce a much faster executable.


I use rust-script to run Rust files as scripts. After installing by running cargo install rust-script, cd to the correct directory and run rust-script filename.rs. There are some helper scripts in the scripts/ directory to help set up rust-analyzer for these script files.


There's a bit of hackery to get the C files to also execute as a bash script that compiles and executes itself if you run ./filename.c, but otherwise they are self-contained and you should be able to just run gcc filename.c && ./a.out in the right directory (other compilers are available).