
Experimentation of a route lookup dictionary with character grouping

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Experimentation of a route lookup dictionary with character grouping

A test runs 5 million times a route lookup on a dictionary with 24 elements.

The baseline is a hash test which only works if the route is an exact match (url needs to be already split into segments):

MeasureActionRoute for HashDictionaryRouter with suffix ''
  • animations1animations: 214
  • categories1categories: 276
  • categorytree1categorytree: 225
  • group1group: 184
  • grouptree1grouptree: 186
  • limit1limit: 165
  • list1list: 158
  • login1login: 194
  • version1version: 191
  • versioninfo1versioninfo: 195
  • xmlproperties1xmlproperties: 205
  • xmlstructure1xmlstructure: 210
  • animations2animations: 196
  • categories2categories: 189
  • categorytree2categorytree: 199
  • group2group: 173
  • grouptree2grouptree: 189
  • limit2limit: 157
  • list2list: 167
  • login2login: 163
  • version2version: 174
  • versioninfo2versioninfo: 195
  • xmlproperties2xmlproperties: 203
  • xmlstructure2xmlstructure: 199
  • notfound: 108

If all calls are mixed together, Modulo contains the overall average results for all routes tested (24 exact and 1 not found)

MeasureActionRouteModulo for HashDictionaryRouter
  • total: 252

Fist lookup implementation is using Dictionary<char, ActionDictionary> to process consecutive characters and check the match. This is considerably slower than a quick hash match.

Not using lookup

MeasureActionRouteModulo for ActionDictionaryRouter
  • total: 794
MeasureActionRoute for ActionDictionaryRouter with suffix ''
  • animations1animations: 555
  • categories1categories: 794
  • categorytree1categorytree: 784
  • group1group: 527
  • grouptree1grouptree: 786
  • limit1limit: 859
  • list1list: 838
  • login1login: 682
  • version1version: 533
  • versioninfo1versioninfo: 797
  • xmlproperties1xmlproperties: 808
  • xmlstructure1xmlstructure: 794
  • animations2animations: 559
  • categories2categories: 792
  • categorytree2categorytree: 803
  • group2group: 522
  • grouptree2grouptree: 784
  • limit2limit: 860
  • list2list: 870
  • login2login: 682
  • version2version: 541
  • versioninfo2versioninfo: 817
  • xmlproperties2xmlproperties: 819
  • xmlstructure2xmlstructure: 837
  • notfound: 29

As ActionDictionary router does not need exact matching, a suffix can be added to test urls which should not affect results (and it mostly does not):

MeasureActionRoute for ActionDictionaryRouter with suffix '?test'
  • animations1animations: 562
  • categories1categories: 787
  • categorytree1categorytree: 797
  • group1group: 519
  • grouptree1grouptree: 776
  • limit1limit: 857
  • list1list: 847
  • login1login: 688
  • version1version: 568
  • versioninfo1versioninfo: 784
  • xmlproperties1xmlproperties: 809
  • xmlstructure1xmlstructure: 794
  • animations2animations: 563
  • categories2categories: 802
  • categorytree2categorytree: 796
  • group2group: 533
  • grouptree2grouptree: 794
  • limit2limit: 858
  • list2list: 855
  • login2login: 687
  • version2version: 544
  • versioninfo2versioninfo: 782
  • xmlproperties2xmlproperties: 803
  • xmlstructure2xmlstructure: 797
  • notfound: 164

Alternative implementation is to use a lookup character array which will store 256 method references for each character allowing instant access - O(1). For characters other than ASCII, the lookup will revert to the unicode dictionary character lookup.

Using lookup

MeasureActionRouteModulo for ActionDictionaryRouter
  • total: 598
MeasureActionRoute for ActionDictionaryRouter with suffix ''
  • animations1animations: 431
  • categories1categories: 600
  • categorytree1categorytree: 615
  • group1group: 407
  • grouptree1grouptree: 595
  • limit1limit: 580
  • list1list: 562
  • login1login: 488
  • version1version: 408
  • versioninfo1versioninfo: 618
  • xmlproperties1xmlproperties: 613
  • xmlstructure1xmlstructure: 604
  • animations2animations: 427
  • categories2categories: 599
  • categorytree2categorytree: 605
  • group2group: 404
  • grouptree2grouptree: 587
  • limit2limit: 580
  • list2list: 571
  • login2login: 493
  • version2version: 422
  • versioninfo2versioninfo: 596
  • xmlproperties2xmlproperties: 612
  • xmlstructure2xmlstructure: 609
  • notfound: 31
MeasureActionRoute for ActionDictionaryRouter with suffix '?test'
  • animations1animations: 433
  • categories1categories: 601
  • categorytree1categorytree: 609
  • group1group: 404
  • grouptree1grouptree: 599
  • limit1limit: 578
  • list1list: 566
  • login1login: 487
  • version1version: 415
  • versioninfo1versioninfo: 621
  • xmlproperties1xmlproperties: 613
  • xmlstructure1xmlstructure: 614
  • animations2animations: 432
  • categories2categories: 605
  • categorytree2categorytree: 611
  • group2group: 410
  • grouptree2grouptree: 603
  • limit2limit: 580
  • list2list: 570
  • login2login: 490
  • version2version: 418
  • versioninfo2versioninfo: 607
  • xmlproperties2xmlproperties: 620
  • xmlstructure2xmlstructure: 614
  • notfound: 106

Unfortunately results are not satisfying since there is a need for more calls to be made to the framework functions TryGetValue and IndexOf and as of now I can't see any point of improvement:

            var c = status.Text[status.Index];
0DA0  push        rdi  
0DA1  push        rsi  
0DA2  sub         rsp,48h  
0DA6  xor         eax,eax  
0DA8  mov         qword ptr [rsp+40h],rax  
0DAD  mov         rdi,rcx  
0DB0  mov         rsi,rdx  
0DB3  mov         rdx,r8  
0DB6  mov         r8,qword ptr [rsi+8]  
0DBA  mov         ecx,dword ptr [rsi+14h]  
0DBD  cmp         ecx,dword ptr [r8+8]  
0DC1  jae         0EBF  
0DC7  movsxd      rcx,ecx  
0DCA  movzx       eax,word ptr [r8+rcx*2+0Ch]  
            if (dict.TryGetValue(c, out var result))
0DD0  lea         r8,[rsp+40h]  
0DD5  mov         rcx,rdx  
0DD8  mov         edx,eax  
0DDA  cmp         dword ptr [rcx],ecx  
0DDC  call        00007FFF7D6C0348  
0DE1  test        eax,eax  
0DE3  je          0EB6  
0DE9  mov         r9d,dword ptr [rsi+14h]  
0DED  inc         r9d  
0DF0  mov         dword ptr [rsi+14h],r9d  
0DF4  mov         ecx,dword ptr [rsi+10h]  
0DF7  mov         rdx,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
0DFC  cmp         ecx,dword ptr [rdx+60h]  
0DFF  jl          0EB6  
                    if (result.SuffixLength == 0 || status.Text.IndexOf(result.Suffix, status.Index, result.SuffixLength, StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0)
0E05  mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
                    if (result.SuffixLength == 0 || status.Text.IndexOf(result.Suffix, status.Index, result.SuffixLength, StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0)
0E0A  mov         ecx,dword ptr [rcx+64h]  
0E0D  test        ecx,ecx  
0E0F  je          0E44  
0E11  mov         rdx,qword ptr [rsi+8]  
0E15  mov         r8,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
0E1A  mov         r8,qword ptr [r8+58h]  
0E1E  mov         dword ptr [rsp+3Ch],r9d  
0E23  mov         dword ptr [rsp+20h],4  
0E2B  mov         r9d,ecx  
0E2E  mov         rcx,rdx  
0E31  mov         rdx,r8  
0E34  mov         r8d,dword ptr [rsp+3Ch]  
0E39  cmp         dword ptr [rcx],ecx  
0E3B  call        00007FFFC8183710  
0E40  test        eax,eax  
0E42  jl          0EB6  
0E44  mov         ecx,dword ptr [rsi+14h]  
0E47  mov         rdx,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
0E4C  add         ecx,dword ptr [rdx+64h]  
0E4F  mov         edx,ecx  
0E51  mov         dword ptr [rsi+14h],edx  
0E54  cmp         ecx,dword ptr [rsi+10h]  
0E57  jge         0E88  
                        if (status.Index < status.Length && result.Count > 0 && TestAction(status, result))
0E59  mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
0E5E  mov         edx,dword ptr [rcx+38h]  
0E61  sub         edx,dword ptr [rcx+44h]  
0E64  test        edx,edx  
0E66  jle         0E88  
0E68  mov         rcx,rdi  
0E6B  mov         rdx,rsi  
0E6E  mov         r8,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
0E73  call        00007FFF7D6C03A0  
0E78  test        eax,eax  
0E7A  je          0E88  
                            return true;
0E7C  mov         eax,1  
0E81  add         rsp,48h  
0E85  pop         rsi  
0E86  pop         rdi  
0E87  ret  
                        if (result.Action != null)
0E88  mov         rcx,qword ptr [rsp+40h]  
0E8D  mov         rcx,qword ptr [rcx+48h]  
0E91  test        rcx,rcx  
0E94  je          0EB6  
0E96  mov         qword ptr [rsp+30h],rcx  
0E9B  mov         rcx,qword ptr [rcx+8]  
0E9F  mov         rdx,rsi  
0EA2  mov         rax,qword ptr [rsp+30h]  
0EA7  call        qword ptr [rax+18h]  
                            return true;
0EAA  mov         eax,1  
0EAF  add         rsp,48h  
0EB3  pop         rsi  
0EB4  pop         rdi  
0EB5  ret  
            return false;
0EB6  xor         eax,eax  
0EB8  add         rsp,48h  
0EBC  pop         rsi  
0EBD  pop         rdi  
0EBE  ret  
0EBF  call        00007FFFDD3064D0  
0EC4  int         3  

This leads to the conclusion - it is more optimal to split the address by known separatos (/, ?, ;) and do lookups using the standard dictionary object which works on string hashes.