
extend yii2-ActiceRecord And yii2-ActiveQuery with use mysql json make simple.

Primary LanguagePHP

Yii2 Mysql Json

The extension yii2-ActiceRecord And yii2-ActiveQuery with use mysql json make simple.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require --prefer-dist imyangjin/yii2-mysql-json

or add

"imyangjin/yii2-mysql-json": "~1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json.

Basic Usage

Your Model file must extend this extension class;

use Imyangji\Yii2MysqlJson\ActiveRecordJson;

class YourModel extent ActiveRecordJson


Then if you want to use it to search column with json.


This func like use Model::find()->where(\[Query::where()\]); column search is column->"$.jsonColumn1.jsonColumn2...";

public function search()
        ->jsonWhere(['content->"$.en.content"' => 'who'])
        ->jsonWhere(['>', 'content->"$.en.content"' , 'who'])


This func Support mysql JSON_CONTAINS(target, candidate[, path]); This query is equivalent to the query, but the difference is that the query is an inclusion relation, that is, the field contains the value of the value; Column A multilevel field supporting JSON fields is segmented using '.';

public function search()
        ->jsonContainsWhere('content.en.content', 'who')


This func Support JSON_EXTRACT(json_doc, path[, path] ...) in query; Column A multilevel field supporting JSON fields is segmented using '.'; Can use operate to search。

public function search()
        ->jsonContainsWhere('content.en.content', 'who', '>')


This func Support JSON_EXTRACT(json_doc, path) AS xx in query select; Column A multilevel field supporting JSON fields is segmented using '.';

public function search()
        ->jsonSelect(['content.en.content', 'content.en.text' => 'tt']])