LinkTime is a small .NET based console application reading the linker timestamp of the Microsoft Windows Portable Executable (PE) format.
This application can be deployed using xcopy.
Stable versions can be downloaded here.
The following applications must be available:
- MSBuild (.NET Framework / Mono; Visual Studio recommended for development)
Get the source code using the following command:
> git clone
> ./Build.ps1 --configuration=Release
The executable will be located in the directory .\Build\Release if the build succeeds, a zip file containing the software will be located in the root directory of the repository.
> ./Build.ps1
The script will report if the unit tests succeeds, the coverage report will be placed in the directory .\Build\Debug\Coverage.
see AUTHORS.txt
Thanks for your interest in this project. You can show your appreciation and support further development by donating.
LinkTime © 2017-2019 Tobias Koch. Released under the MIT License.