One of the most fearsome and powerful tools in existence, capable of leveling mountains
This is a common library for .NET applications.
NuGet packages are available here.
The following tools must be available:
Get the source code using the following command:
> git clone
> ./build.ps1
The script will report if the tests succeeded; the coverage report will be located in the directory ./output/coverage/.
> ./build.ps1 --configuration Release
The script will report if the build succeeded; the libraries will be located in the directories ./src/../bin/Release.
> ./build.ps1 --configuration Release --target Pack
The nuget packages will be located in the directory ./output if the build succeeds.
see AUTHORS.txt
Thanks for your interest in this project. You can show your appreciation and support further development by donating.
Mjolnir © 2017-2020 Tobias Koch. Released under the MIT License.