
A lemony fresh iOS image viewer written in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status Carthage compatible Version License Platform


An iOS image viewer written in Swift with support for multiple images.



  • Swift 4 (for Swift 3 support, use version 3.x)
  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 9+


The easiest way is through CocoaPods. Simply add the dependency to your Podfile and then pod install:

pod 'Agrume', :git => 'https://github.com/JanGorman/Agrume.git'

Or Carthage. Add the dependency to your Cartfile and then carthage update:

github "JanGorman/Agrume"


There are multiple ways you can use the image viewer (and the included Example project shows them all).

For just a single image it's as easy as


import Agrume

@IBAction func openImage(_ sender: Any) {
  if let image = UIImage(named: "") {
	let agrume = Agrume(image: image)

You can also pass in a URL and Agrume will take care of the download for you.

Background Color

Agrume defaults to blurring the background view controller but you can also pass in a background color instead and it will use that:

@IBAction func openImage(_ sender: Any) {
	let image = UIImage(named: "")!
	let agrume = Agrume(image: Image, backgroundColor: .black)
	agrume.hideStatusBar = true

Multiple Images

If you're displaying a UICollectionView and want to add support for zooming, you can also call Agrume with an array of either images or URLs.

let agrume = Agrume(images: images, startIndex: indexPath.row, backgroundBlurStyle: .light)
agrume.didScroll = { [unowned self] index in
  self.collectionView?.scrollToItem(at: IndexPath(row: index, section: 0),
                                    at: [],
                                    animated: false)

This shows a way of keeping the zoomed library and the one in the background synced.

Custom Download Handler

If you want to take control of downloading images (e.g. for caching), you can also set a download closure that calls back to Agrume to set the image. For example, let's use MapleBacon.

import Agrume
import MapleBacon

@IBAction func openURL(_ sender: Any) {
  let agrume = Agrume(imageUrl: URL(string: "https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/512759/MapleBacon.png")!, backgroundBlurStyle: .light)
  agrume.download = { url, completion in
    Downloader.default.download(url) { image in

Global Custom Download Handler

Instead of having to define a handler on a per instance basis you can instead set a handler on the AgrumeServiceLocator. Agrume will use this handler for all downloads unless overriden on an instance as described above:

import Agrume

AgrumeServiceLocator.shared.setDownloadHandler { url, completion in
  // Download data, cache it and remember to call the completion

// Some other place

Custom Data Source

For more dynamic library needs you can implement the AgrumeDataSource protocol that supplies images to Agrume. Agrume will query the data source for the number of images and if that number changes, reload it's scrolling image view.

import Agrume

let dataSource: AgrumeDataSource = MyDataSourceImplementation()
let agrume = Agrume(dataSource: dataSource)


Custom Background Snapshot

When showing the Agrume view controller, it'll default to taking a snapshot of the root view and blurring that. You can customize this behaviour by passing in a different view that it will blur and display:

let agrume = Agrume(image: image)
agrume.showFrom(self, backgroundSnapshotVC: self)

Status Bar Appearance

You can customize the status bar appearance when displaying the zoomed in view. Agrume has a statusBarStyle property:

let agrume = Agrume(image: image)
agrume.statusBarStyle = .lightContent


Agrume is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details