
Dump a SoundCloud profile into a database / directory structure

Primary LanguagePerl


     Author:  Toey Jammer
    Contact:  toey@toey.org



Script used to extract SoundCloud profile data into local file structure as follows:

$baseDIR = current directory
$profile = SoundCloud profile

$baseDIR/$profile/tracklist.csv = Comma Seperated Values that contain relevant track info...
				  Current column headings are:

Name	Shortname	SoundCloud ID	Release Date	Plays	Favoritings	Length	SoudCloud URL	Artwork Path	Download Path	Purchase URL																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			 

$baseDIR/$profile/rawData	= folder containing the raw data used to extract the info
$baseDIR/$profile/art		= folder containing relevant artwork for each track
$baseDIR/$profile/music		= folder containing downloadable songs

Script variable $hash{rawDataAge} defines the maxium age (in seconds) that the data can be before
checking for updates. The default is 42000 (~1/2 a day)

Script will check and ensure it doesnt already have artwork and music files before proceeding to download


Script Dependancies:
	User Variables:
	- $profile = the soundcloud profile you want to download

	Perl Modules
	- perl module File::stat -- included as of Perl 5.004;

	GNU Tools
	- wget  (GNU Wget 1.13)
	- lynx (Lynx version 2.8.8dev.9)
	- awk (GNU Awk 3.1.8)
	- egrep (egrep (GNU grep) 2.9)
(GNU Tools should be availible to the scripts environment on execution)
Older versions than the GNU Tools used to build this script Should work...
