
Static file server that works with HTML5 Pushstate.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Static file server that works with HTML5 Pushstate.

Defaults all routes to index.html in the directory set by setDirectory(). Treats the following file extensions as static files (non routeables):

  • html
  • js
  • json
  • csv
  • css
  • less
  • png
  • svg
  • eot
  • ttf
  • woff
  • appcache
  • jpg
  • jpeg
  • gif
  • ico

For example, the route /some/pushstate/route will return the index.html file. But, /some/static/path/logo.png will return the logo.png static file.


npm install pushstate-server --save


var server = require('pushstate-server');

  port: 3000,
  directory: './public',
  file: '/index.html'

or for multiple directories

var server = require('pushstate-server');

  port: 4200,
  directories: ['./public', './bower_components']

You can also add extra modRewrite rules:

var server = require('pushstate-server');

  extra_rules: ['^/login$ /login.html', '^/about$ /about.html']

Then any requests to /login go to login.html, and requests to /about go to about.html. See https://github.com/tinganho/connect-modrewrite for more information about modRewrite.

Global Install

npm install -g pushstate-server
usage: pushstate-server [directory] [port] [file] [extra_rules]



  • start the pushstate static file server
  • port
    • set the port that the server should open
    • uses process.env.PORT if not specified, and defaults to port 9000 if none is available
      • optionally use server.port()
  • directory
    • the path to the directory where the static assets will be served
    • defaults to public
    • optionally use server.directory()
  • file
    • the file route to
    • defaults to /index.html
    • optionally use server.file()
  • extra_rules
    • optional modRewrite rules to run before the default rules are run
    • defaults to an empty array
    • optionally use server.extra_rules()