The Movie Quiz.

The Movie Quiz is an app which generates randomized movie trivia quizes using data from a movie database API.

Click here to play!

This project was completed in a group with Alina Kovaleva, Pooja Dalai, and Vasileios Bomponis.

This is a full stack app which includes a back-end, however it is very basic consisting only of routes to view the scoreboard and post high scores.

My contribution

My most significant contribution to this project was writing the logic to fetch data from the Movie Database API and then generating multiple choice questions from this data.

I also implemented logic to avoid questions with multiple correct answers, duplicated answers, impossible answers etc.

Questions can take four possible formats: "Which of these actors was in this movie?", "What year did this movie release?", "Which of these actors was NOT in this movie?" and "Who directed this movie?".

Languages and Tools:

App Quick OverView

  • A quiz consists of 3 rounds of 4 questions
  • The question category out of the 4 possible categories is chosen by spinning a wheel at the start of each round
  • The player has 10 seconds to answer the question
  • Once the player has either answered a question or run out of time the corrent and incorrect answers are shown by an animatiion
  • At the end of the game, the player can post their score and view it on the scoreboard

App demo