
A Java game engine based on LibGDX !

Primary LanguageJava

Please use the version 2 : https://github.com/t0mm4rx/GameEngine-v.2/



Create a LibGDX project (via the setup tool), and then just add the engine jar.

Make sure that you have the universal tween engine and the FreeType extension added to your project

Game class

The structure of an empty game class is the following :

package fr.tommarx.gameenginetest;

import fr.tommarx.gameengine.Game.Game;

public class GameClass extends Game {

	public void create () {

	public void dispose () {


The structure of an empty game screen is the following :

package fr.tommarx.gameenginetest;

import fr.tommarx.gameengine.Game.Screen;

public class ScreenTest extends Screen {

    public void show() {
        //Do initialisation stuff


And you have to set the game class's screen to ScreenTest :

	public void create () {
		//Very important
        setScreen(new ScreenTest());

##Game objects Screen contains game objects, wich contains components (ex: sprite renderer, collider, transform, animation...). To add a game object to a screen :

public class ScreenTest extends Screen {

    GameObject go;

    public void show() {
        //This game object is added in the screen
        add(new Player(new Transform(new Vector2(300,300))));
        //This one is added in the HUD, it will not follow the game camera
        addInHUD(new LifeCounter(new Transform(new Vector2(10, 10))));


The player class :

package fr.tommarx.gameenginetest;

public class Player extends GameObject {

    BoxBody body;

    public Player(Transform transform) {
        addComponent(new SpriteRenderer(this, new TextureRegion(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("badlogic.jpg")))));
        body = new BoxBody(this, BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody);

    protected void update(float delta) {

        Game.debug(3, "Velx : " + body.getBody().getLinearVelocity().x);
        Game.debug(4, "Vely : " + body.getBody().getLinearVelocity().y);

        if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.RIGHT)) {
            body.getBody().setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(200, body.getBody().getLinearVelocity().y));

        if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.LEFT)) {
            body.getBody().setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(-200, body.getBody().getLinearVelocity().y));

        if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.UP)) {
            body.getBody().setLinearVelocity(new Vector2(body.getBody().getLinearVelocity().x, 200));


##Debug mode A debug mode is available. To enable it, set Game.debugging to true. You can log informations in the left-upper corner with the Game.debug(int line, String message) method. Debug mode will show the Box2D bodies (usefull to check the colliders). Exemple (in a screen) :

        public void update() {
            //Log DEBUG MODE on first line and FPS on the second
            Game.debug(1, "DEBUG MODE");
            Game.debug(2, "FPS : " + Gdx.graphics.getFramesPerSecond());
            //Enable/disable debug mode when pressing D
            if (Gdx.input.isKeyJustPressed(Input.Keys.D)) {
                Game.debugging = !Game.debugging;

##Layouts Layouts can be used to render game objects by priority. Exemple :

    EmptyGameObject background = new EmptyGameObject(new Transform(new Vector2(100, 100)));
    background.addComponent(new SpriteRenderer(background, new TextureRegion(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("background.jpg")))));
    //We can also set the scrolling speed to create a parallax effect
    EmptyGameObject player = ...;
    //Player will be rendered after the background so background will be behind.

##Tweening (aka interpolation or easing) The game engine has an integrate tweening system. The Game class has a TweenManager, wich can be call to launch tweens :

    EmptyGameObject text;
    public void show() {
        //Creating a text game object
        text = new EmptyGameObject(new Transform(new Vector2(Gdx.graphics.getWidth() / 2, Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 2)));
        text.addComponent(new Text(text, "Tweening demo !", Color.WHITE));
        //Set the alpha to 0
        ((Text) text.getComponentByClass("Text")).getColor().a = 0f;
        //Create a tween named "Alpha", with start value of 0, wich change to 1, in 3 seconds, no delay and doesn't repeat
        Game.tweenManager.goTween(new Tween("Alpha", Tween.LINEAR_EASE_NONE, 0f, 1f, 3f, 0f, false));
        //Create a second tween named "Alpha" also, wich starts from 1 and change in direction of -1, in 3 seconds and with 3 seconds of delay
        Game.tweenManager.goTween(new Tween("Alpha", Tween.LINEAR_EASE_NONE, 1f, -1f, 3f, 3f; false));
        Game.tweenManager.goTween(new Tween("Y", Tween.CUBE_EASE_INOUT, 0, 1f, 2f, 0f, false));

    public void update() {
        //Set the alpha of the text by the "Alpha" tween value
        ((Text) text.getComponentByClass("Text")).getColor().a = Game.tweenManager.getValue("Alpha");
        //Set the y of the text by the "Y" tween
        text.getTransform().getPosition().y = Game.tweenManager.getValue("Y") * Gdx.graphics.getHeight() / 2;

##WaitAndDo You can use the Game.waitAndDo(float waitFor, Callable action) function to wait an amount of time before doing an action ##Lights Screen have an rayHandler object, wich can be activate with the method isLightsEnabled(boolean b). Next you can use the Box2DLights stuffs. To change the ambiance light :

    rayHandler.setAmbientLight(1f, 1f, 1f, .03f);

##Maps The game engine has his own map format. You can import a map like this :

        ArrayList<EmptyGameObject> map = MapReader.read(Gdx.files.internal("map.map"));

        for (EmptyGameObject go : map) {

Maps files have this format :

Components are small pieces of code that will animate game objects.
Game objects have just one component by default : the transform. Transform contains location, scale and rotation of the game obect.
To add a component to a game object :
        //Creating a game object to location 300,300 with a scale of 0.5 and a rotation of 35
        EmptyGameObject go = new EmptyGameObject(new Transform(new Vector2(300, 300), new Vector2(0.5f,0.5f), 35));
        //Add a sprite renderer wich allow to draw images
        go.addComponent(new SpriteRenderer(go, new TextureRegion(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("badlogic.jpg")))));
        //Add a box body, wich listen collisions
        go.addComponent(new BoxBody(go, BodyDef.BodyType.DynamicBody));
        //Add the game object to the screen
You can also create your own component. You just have to create a class that extends Component and include all component's methods.
###All components
The default component. Do nothing but contains location, scale and rotation. If you want to move, rotate or scale your gameobject, you need call Transform functions.
public Transform (Vector2 position, Vector2 scale, float rotation) {}
public Transform (Vector2 position) {}
public Transform () {}
####Sprite renderer
Sprite renderer is the component that display image.
public SpriteRenderer (GameObject go, TextureRegion texture) {}
Bodies listen for collisions and add the game object to the physics engine (Box2D).
2 types of bodies : BoxBody and CircleBody
public BoxBody(GameObject go, float width, float height, BodyDef.BodyType bodyType) {}
public CircleBody(GameObject go, float radius, BodyDef.BodyType bodyType) {}
//Those constructors works only if the gameobject has a sprite renderer
public BoxBody(GameObject go, BodyDef.BodyType bodyType) {}
public CircleBody(GameObject go, BodyDef.BodyType bodyType) {}
####Animation manager
Animation manager will contain all animations that the game object require. The game object must have a sprite renderer to use the animation manager. Exemple :
        //In a game object extending class
        //Adding a sprite renderer (required for use the animation manager)
        addComponent(new SpriteRenderer(this, new TextureRegion(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("player_default.jpg")))));
        //Adding the component to the game object
        animManager = new AnimationManager(this);
        //Adding the 'walk_left' animation to the animation manager, with the id 0
        //3rd and 4th params are the cols and the rows of the spritesheet, the 5th is the speed and the last one is the looping option
        animManager.addAnimation(new Animation(this, new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("walk_left.png")), 6, 5, 0.025f, true), 0);
        //Adding the 'walk_right' animation to the animation manager, with the id 1
        animManager.addAnimation(new Animation(this, new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("walk_right.png")), 6, 5, 0.025f, true), 1);
        //Setting the current animation to the walk_left animation
        //Get the current anim's id, returns -1 if no animation has been called
        int current = animManager.getCurrentAnimation();
        //Set the current animation to null
Text displays text with BitmapFont.
public Text(GameObject go, String text, Color color) {}
public Text(GameObject go, FileHandle fontFile, String text, Color color) {}
####Box renderer
A box renderer simply draw a rectangle of a given color :
public BoxRenderer(GameObject go, float width, float height, Color color) {}
####Point light
A light that difuses all around it.
public PointLight(GameObject go, int power, int length, Color color, RayHandler rayHandler) {}
####Cone light
A light that diffuse in a cone shape (usefull for lamp) :
public ConeLight(GameObject go, int power, int length, Color color, RayHandler rayHandler, float angle) {}