
This little lib works with P5.js. Demo

How to use it ?

First, add interpolation.js or interpolation.min.js in your index.html, after you link the P5 script :

<script src="p5.min.js"></script>
<script src="interpolation.min.js"></script>

Then, you have to create an InterpolationManager object :

var manager;
function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 400);
    //Create the interpolation manager
    manager = new InterpolationManager();

function draw() {
    //Very important

Then, you can launch a new interpolation :

function setup() {
    manager = new InterpolationManager();
    manager.interpolate(0, 100, 1000, InterpolationTypes.easeInOutQuart, function (v) {
      console.log("Value : " + v);
    }, function () {
      console.log("Interpolation ended !");

The interpolate function takes 6 arguments :

  • From
  • To
  • Duration (in milliseconds)
  • Interpolation type (see below)
  • Progress callback
  • Finish callback

Interpolation types

You can take a look at this.

  • InterpolationTypes.linear
  • InterpolationTypes.easeInQuad
  • InterpolationTypes.easeOutQuad
  • InterpolationTypes.easeInOutQuad
  • InterpolationTypes.easeInCubic
  • InterpolationTypes.easeOutCubic
  • InterpolationTypes.easeInOutCubic
  • InterpolationTypes.easeInQuart
  • InterpolationTypes.easeOutQuart
  • InterpolationTypes.easeInOutQuart
  • InterpolationTypes.easeInQuint
  • InterpolationTypes.easeOutQuint
  • InterpolationTypes.easeInOutQuint

You can add you own easing functions.