Backend WeatherApp: Kazbekov Batyrkhan SE-2203

This is a project for the assignment 3 of AITU: Backend course

Welcome to the Backend WeatherApp! This is a multifunctional weather app that provides explicit data about weather conditions, latest news, city location on Google Maps, and the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD). Storing all successful user requests in MongoDB Atlas


  • Check the weather for a specific city
  • Get the latest news(for 1 month) about a selected city
  • View the location of a city on Google Maps
  • Explore the Astronomy Picture of the Day
  • Get the latest news(for 1 month) providing a keyword
  • Log in as a user
  • View request history of a user
  • Ability to view the response data of each individual request rendered as page


  • Node.js and npm installed


  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Install dependencies: npm install
  3. Start the server: npm start
  4. Go to localhost:3000
  5. Explore the functionalities of the WeatherApp

APIs used

  • OpenWeatherMap API (for weather data)
  • News API (for news data)
  • Google Maps API (for displaying city location on Google Maps)
  • NASA API (for the Astronomy Picture of the Day)


  • Username: Batyrkhan

  • Password: 123

  • to view admin page you should click the button with username written in it