Bachelor's Degree Project Demo



Object Oriented Data Language (OODL) is an imperative programming language I developed for my Bacelor's Degree Thesis. OODL is not open-source (yet?), this repo hosts only a demo.

OODL makes developing a web application for collecting data as easy as instantiating an object in any object oriented programming language.

The idea behind OODL is to think at the data collection process as a program to be implemented in some kind of language.

OODL Characteristics

OODL was designed to allow developers to build dynamic web applications for data collections (also very complex ones) which execute client-side.

  • OODL is an interpreted language, written in TypeScript. It can run on any browser since it was developed by using the ecma-262 standard. OODL's interpreter recevices programs in JSON format.

  • OODL is a weak typed language. However developer can add type constraints by means of OODL's Contraint feature;

  • OODL provides typical high level programming languages' functionalities (e.g. control flow structure, dynamic types, etc).

Language's Elements

  • Objects & Variable: they can be used by means of OODL's Model.

  • Contraint: it can be used to specify constraints on model's properties. Constraints can be either about mandatoriety/optinality or data type (boolean, number, string, etc).

  • Reference: you could think of it as a pointer.

  • Array: OODL also supports arrays. They are 0-indexed and automatically resized (as happen in Javascript).

Control Flow Structures

  • Sequence

  • If

  • [Do]While

OODL System

OODL is part of a three-tier based system.


The backend was developed by using the Java Enterprise Edition 7 stack. The JAX-RS Api has been used to implement REST Web Services while the Java Persistence Api (JPA) and the ORM Hibernate have been used for persistency.


A single page application has been provided. It was built with the Angular framework. Many UI component were taken from Angular Material.


PostgreSQL has been used as OR-DBMS.

Data Collection Example

Suppose you want to develop a web application to collect useful data about Covid-19. In particular, you want to collect, for a given person: name, surname, city, address, age and the number of times he/she went out in the previous 15 days. For each time the person went out, suppose you are interessed in collecting: date, moving's reason, distance and if the person had a certification. Moreover, you want to check whether the person has Covid-19's symptoms. If so, you want a warning message about a possible Covid-19 infection to appear.

Data Collection Schema

  1. Ask the person to insert the above listed data.
  2. Check if the person has Covid-19's symptoms
    2.1. If so, show a warning.
  3. For each time the person went out:
    3.1. Ask the moving details.

Defining Objects

Person java class definition.

Moving Detail java class definition.

Defining OODL Program

Creating OODL models.

Since some property are mandatory, let's specify a constraint.

Now we use OODL's Fill instruction to build the corresponding form. At this point, step 1 is completed.

Step 2 & 2.1: Let's check Covid-19's symptoms.

Eventually, let's code the point 3.