This is a boilerplate for dotnet core MVC and Vue.js
In the principle, it should contain only the bare minimum of dependencies.
- webpack bundles js, css, vue etc. into app.js file and place it under wwwroot,
- webpack-merge allows to merge or configuration with webpack.common.js,
- babel-loader translates JS files,
- css-loader, file-loader, sass-loader, vue-loader, vue-template-compiler process style and vue files,
This boilerplate uses Eslint as the linter for script files. It is not indispensable, but it allows to keep a high level of coding style.
- eslint the main processor,
- eslint-loader while webpacking the *.js files are lintered,
- eslint-plugin-vue used with *.vue files,
(in order to run tasks concurrently, the Concurrently must be installed 'npm install -g concurrently')
npm run dev
npm run build
dotnet dev-certs https --trust"