
Spark playground for YELP data.

Yelp academic data on Spark

This is a Docker setup for bootstraping a Spark environment for querying the Yelp academic dataset (excluding the photo file). It does not take the the Yelp tar ball as a parameter, but expect the dataset to be available in a directory mounted on /data (will be demonstrated shortly).

Getting the data

The Yelp data is not part of this repository. Go to https://www.yelp.com/dataset_challenge/dataset, fill out the form and download the bundle. I put my bundle (unpacked )in /var/yelp, to make it available for the Docker container. If you put it in a different location, please make sure to update the path in the docker run command below.

# unpacking and storing in a location to be mounted on the Docker container.
> mkdir -p /var/yelp
> mv yelp_dataset_challenge_round9.tgz /var/yelp
> cd /var/yelp 
> tar xzf data_challenge_round9.tgz

Building the docker container

At the root of this project do.

> docker build -t yelp .

Running the docker image

To run an instance of the image created, do:

> docker run -ti --rm -v /var/yelp:/data yelp

This will launch into a spark shell. The container will be removed, when the shell is exited.

Bootstraping the environment

The docker image contains a script that will bootstrap 5 tables, based on the JSON data from the Yelp download bundle. To run the scrip:

scala> :load init.yelp

This will take a few minutes (depending on machince size). It will run a number of stages, that will end with having these tables created: user, tip, review, business and checkin.

You are now ready to run some queries.

Example queries

Here's a few example queries, to excercise the data a bit.

Does cool users give many stars?

Is a users share of cool compliments comparable to their their share of stars given?

var udf = spark.read.table("user")
var rdf = spark.read.table("review")

var totalRdf = udf.select(sum($"compliment_cool")).first()(0)
var ratioRdf = rdf.groupBy(rdf("user_id")).agg(sum($"stars"), format_number(sum($"stars") / totalRdf, 8) as "stars_ratio")
var totalUdf = rdf.select(sum($"stars")).first()(0)
var ratioUdf = udf.groupBy(udf("user_id")).agg(sum($"compliment_cool"), format_number(sum($"compliment_cool") / totalUdf, 8) as "compliment_cool_ratio")
ratioUdf.join(ratioRdf, "user_id").orderBy($"compliment_cool_ratio".desc).show

Instead of pasting the above query, you can run this in the Spark shell.

:load cool-stars.yelp

Which businesses, by name and city, has the most tips

var tdf = spark.read.table("tip")
var bdf = spark.read.table("business")

var df = tdf.groupBy("business_id").count.orderBy($"count".desc)
df.join(bdf, "business_id").select("name", "city", "count").show 

Instead of pasting the above query, you can run this in the Spark shell.

:load most-tips.yelp

Which business have checkins on a Sunday?

var bdf = spark.read.table("business")
var cdf = spark.read.table("checkin")

cdf.select("business_id", "time").filter(r => r(1).asInstanceOf[Seq[String]].filter(e => e.contains("Sun-")).size > 0 ).join(bdf, "business_id").select("name", "city").show

Instead of pasting the above query, you can run this in the Spark shell.

:load sunday-checkin.yelp