
global state management for dioxus built on the concept of atoms. currently under 🏗

Primary LanguageRust

Fermi: A global state management solution for Dioxus, inspired by Recoil.Js

Fermi provides primitives for managing global state in Dioxus applications. Heavily inspired by Recoil.Js, Fermi uses the concepts of atoms and selectors to easily refactor local state into global state.

// First, we define an atom of our global state
static Name: Atom<String> = |_| "Dioxus".to_string();

fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {      
    // then we can read it
    let name = use_read(&cx, Name);

        h1 { "Hello, {name}"}

fn Child(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    // and then we can read or write it from anywhere in our app
    let set_name = use_set(&cx, Name);

        button { 
            onclick: move |_| set_name(random_name()),
            "Click to set a random name"

Fermi is currently under construction, so you have to use the master branch to get started.

fermi = { git = "https://github.com/dioxuslabs/fermi" }

Broadly our feature set to required to be released includes:

  • Support for Atoms
  • Support for Atom Families
  • Support for memoized Selectors
  • Support for memoized SelectorFamilies
  • Support for UseFermiCallback for access to fermi from async