
Test task using fast api

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Start docker containers
        docker-compose -f local.yml up 
        docker-compose -f local.yml up --build # build containers again
        docker-compose -f local.yml up -d # run in background
  2. Connect to app container
         docker-compose -f local.yml exec app /bin/bash
  3. Run migrations using alembic
        alembic upgrade head
    Notice that you should have alembic folder with migrations. If you don't have it:
    1. Init alembic folder
      alembic init alembic
    2. And change sqlalchemy.url in alembic.ini file or configure it in env.py
    3. Create you first migration
      alembic revision --autogenerate -m "First migration"
    4. And then you can alembic upgrade head
  4. Create initial data. Generally, it creates superuser for testing. You can configure it in task_fast_api/.env file.
  5. Run tests using pytest
    pytest -s


  1. Go to /docs/ to try all endpoint by himself.
  2. Go to /redoc/ to check Documentation for each endpoint