
Cadaxo OPENUI5 OData V2 CRUD

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cadaxo OPENUI5 OData V2 CRUD

This is an Openui5 app for all UI5 learners. It is a simple app with one view which makes basic OData operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). As the backend source of data, the public Read-Write services.odata.org OData service is being used. Anyone can join, contribute and make this app better.

How to start

Check the CURRENT LIVE VERSION deployed to HCP.

As you can see it is very simple OpenUI5 app connected to real Odata Backend. In this app you can see the list of products, edit the products, create new products or delete products. Feel free to play around!

The app is not perfect, but anyone can contribute and make it better. Check our current issues or, if you have something on mind how to make it better, create your own issue.

Development Setup

If you want to contribute or just play with the code, you have to clone this github repository.

Setup for WEB IDE

  • Open your SAP WEB IDE
  • Right-click 'Workspace' root folder
  • Select - Git -> Clone repository
  • Enter: https://github.com/cadaxo/openui5-app-odata-v2-crud.git
  • Run index.html (you will need Northwind Destination configured)
  • or Run test/mockServer.html (to run with mock data from json file)

Setup without WEB IDE

Prerequisites: Node.js, Git

Open your terminal or command line and check if you have node.js and npm installed by typing: npm -v and node -v. You should see your npm and node versions. If not, instal Node.js first.

Then create a folder for your project and run following commands in your folder in this order:

git clone https://github.com/cadaxo/openui5-app-odata-v2-crud.git
npm install
npm start

If all steps were successfull, you can now open http://localhost:5000/webapp/test/mockServer.html in your browser to see the app runing with the mock data.

Northwind Destination configuration on Hana Cloud Platform

If you are developing in WEB IDE, you can open the app with (index.html) Northwind OData service data. Your service needs to be configured on your HCP Destinations like this:

Additional Properties

  • WebIDEEnabled - true
  • WebIDESystem - northwind
  • WebIDEUsage - odata_gen,odata_abap,ui5_execute_abap,dev_abap

Contribution to this repository

Send a request to join our team. After we accept it, you can push to this repository.


  • Open Git Pane (Ctrl+Shift+V)
  • in Commit section, mark the files you want to commit
  • describe your changes in Commit Description
  • click Commit and Push -> select origin/master remote branch

From localhost

git add .
git commit -m "describe your changes here"
git push origin master


If you struggle in any step, please contact me on openui5.slack.com. We can then upgrade this readme file to make it better for everyone.

Made By

Cadaxo, Dusan Sacha
Email: dusan.sacha@cadaxo.com
Twitter: sacha_dusan


This project is licensed under the MIT license.