GoDaddy test task

Write Rest API application with one UI page "dashboard" for the book library which allows to track what books they have (only books, without any other dependencies like clients, etc.)

Acceptance criteria:


  • Application should use the latest PHP version
  • Application should use "composer" to install all dependencies
  • Application should use Symfony framework above version 5 (preferably version 6)
  • Application should have one UI page "dashboard", which will contain information from the API endpoint (it can be the count of books or something else)
  • The "dashboard" application must be implemented using React JS
  • The final result should be posted on GitHub and should have comments with a clear message about what was done there

Not required (but will be a plus)

  • Application should have PHPUnit tests
  • Application should have README instructions on how to setup and run an application
  • Application should have an automatic setup process with fixtures and migrations
  • Application should be built using Docker container (docker-compose)

Book model:

  • Title (string)
  • Publisher (string)
  • Author (string)
  • Genre (string)
  • Book publication (date)
  • Amount of words in the book (int)
  • Book price in US Dollars

To run the application, you need to run the following commands: make run