
Joint meeting with OCF and W3C WoT


Joint meeting with OCF, T2TRG, and W3C WoT.

When: Friday, March 23rd, 2018

Where: Sheraton Prague Charles Square Hotel (Ztina 561/8 Prague 111 21, Czech Republic)

Registration: https://goo.gl/forms/6J41OcplbUAPVL3J3

(OCF is hosting the event and needs to create badges for participants, so please register by Saturday 3rd of March; late registrations are possible until 12th, but for planning purposes we should know the participants as soon as possible)

Remote participation


Meeting Number: 920 959 930
Meeting password: 1234

Join by phone: +1-415-655-0002 US Toll

Global call-in numbers

Live notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x0FoKLOnb_TfjC5pU4xgKfoH2EDsfHUnpNSwYsr8bY4/edit?usp=sharing


Assembling agenda now. Please discuss changes and additions with the chairs.

Time Topic Who
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Welcome and intro All Chairs
13:40 Technical topics
Status update of IETF/OCF coordination action items All Chairs
WISHI activities report T2TRG Chairs
Representation format of forms for IoT devices
Model interoperability: WoT Thing Descriptions with OCF and IPSO models Matthias Kovatsch
Push Models for Device data (pub/sub, non-traditional responses, ...)
Links, Bindings, Interfaces, and Resource Representations
"Base" CoAP (New Response Codes, RD alignment)
ACE discussion continuation (multipoint security, etc.)
Reference implementations and test case (CoAP, CoAP TCP, CBOR, ...)
17:20 Wrap-up and next steps All Chairs