
T2TRG summary meeting at IETF 105, July 2019 in Montreal

Currently scheduled on the IETF main agenda for Wednesday, July 24th, 2019, 13:30..15:30 (UTC-04:00) == 1730Z..1930Z, Room Viger


Slides: https://github.com/t2trg/2019-ietf105/tree/master/slides

Notes: https://etherpad.tools.ietf.org/p/notes-irtf-105-t2trg

Draft agenda

Please contact the chairs for any changes required.

Time Who Subject Docs
13:30 Chairs Intro, RG status, upcoming meetings and activities RFC8576, draft-irtf-t2trg-rest-iot
13:45 Chairs, various Report from WISHI, Pre-IETF meeting with OMA, Hackathon, and Morning side meeting
13:55 Michael Koster Activities on data model convergence; W3C Community Group on Schema extensions for IoT; schema.org update
14:15 Michael McCool W3C Web of Things WG/IG update
14:30 Ivaylo Petrov YANG Object Universal Parsing Interface draft-petrov-t2trg-youpi
14:35 Christian Amsüss Transports for CoAP: new URI schemes of CoAP protocol negotiation
14:45 Dirk Kutscher "Why Edge and IoT will never happen!!1!" (outrageous opinion presentation)
15:05 Yong-Geun Hong Problem Statement of IoT integrated with Edge Computing draft-hong-t2trg-iot-edge-computing
15:20 Yong-Geun Hong Edge IoT demo
15:30 end of meeting

Other T2TRG activities at IETF 105