Update: since IETF 107 f2f was cancelled this will be a fully virtual meeting.
We are planning to have a T2TRG work meeting on Friday, March 20th, before the IETF week. We are planning to focus this meeting on work that could benefit the One Data Model liaison group (OneDM).
We could work on providing input that OneDM could use on, e.g.:
- Versioning/evolution of data models, and of the data model language (SDF)
- Elements and structure of standardization of the SDF language
- Terminology for data/info/thing models
We are also likely to start and feed activities that are designed to support OneDM, e.g., continuing the semantic proxy work (W3C WoT, T2TRG) started at IETF106 hackathon, including:
- Model translation
- The use of model information in:
- Discovery processes
- Protocol bindings
- Semantic APIs
- Other technical issues from the OneDM Github
We expect participants to be familiar with the SDF effort and the data models already being worked on in the OneDM playground.
If you have a proposal for a subject, a presentation, or an input paper on a technical topic, please send email to us now (t2trg-chairs@irtf.org).
We plan to start in the morning Vancouver time and continue for ~3 hours.
Detailed timing of the slots to be determined.
Time | Topic |
09:00..09:10 | Welcome, Logistics |
09:10..09:40 | Versioning/evolution of data models/data model language |
09:40..11:00 | OneDM key technical issues |
11:00..11:45 | OneDM SDF and IETF standardization |
11:45..12:00 | Wrap-up and close |
Time zone converter: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20200320T160000&p1=256&p2=224&p3=165&p4=136&p5=37&p6=239&p7=101&p8=235
Notes: https://hackmd.io/R9n8naQcTMeX0n1miV5_Yw?view
WebEx: https://ietf.webex.com/ietf/j.php?MTID=m389d8fb7afe63bcff2b93742c9d6c4ba
- Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-479-3208
- Meeting number (access code): 640 663 499
- Meeting password: constrained
The workshop is free-of-charge to attend, but if you intend to join, please register as soon as possible using the following form: https://forms.gle/PpJNQCGyxqcqPaXGA