
T2TRG virtual summary meeting

Time: Monday, December 12th, 15:30-17:30 UTC

Local time in various locations:


Meetecho: NEW LINK: https://meetings.conf.meetecho.com/interim/?short=87d786a7-c3f3-4c8f-abc7-54567d422ed3


Slides: https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2022-t2trg-04/session/t2trg

Notes: https://notes.ietf.org/notes-ietf-interim-2022-t2trg-04-t2trg

Draft agenda

Please contact the chairs for any changes required.

Time (UTC) Who Subject Docs
15:30 Chairs / draft authors Intro, RG status, upcoming meetings and activities t2trg-rest-iot t2trg-iot-edge t2trg-secure-bootstrapping
15:40 Göran Selander SECCORE update
15:50 John Mattsson Amplification attacks using CoAP mattsson-t2trg-amplification-attacks
16:05 Michael Richardson Update on "A Taxonomy of operational security considerations for manufacturer installed keys and Trust Anchors" richardson-t2trg-idevid-considerations
16:15 Michael Koster OneDM and iotschema.org update
16:25 Carsten Bormann SDF update and status
16:35 Jan Romann Brief W3C WoT update, SDF/WoT conversion
16:55 Ale Jarabo Peñas / Bin Xiao Knowledge Graphs for IoT Platform Digital Twins based on SDF
17:25 Chairs Wrap-up
17:30 Chairs end of meeting