Session works on localhost but not on server
somiclds opened this issue · 2 comments
Authentication and authorization works just fine on localhost, but when I upload my application to production server - it fails.
LoginSucceeded gets called but when user is redirected to required page, authentication fails and user is redirected back to login (authenticationFailed triggers). Cookies and session storage stays empty.
How to solve that?
P.S. I am storing my application in virtual dedicated server. Maybe problem could be in caching?
Maybe you have this line in config trait and delploy on server via
activator dist
override lazy val tokenAccessor = new CookieTokenAccessor(
cookieSecureOption = play.api.Play.isProd(play.api.Play.current),
cookieMaxAge = Some(sessionTimeoutInSeconds)
cookieSecureOption = play.api.Play.isProd(play.api.Play.current)
If you are not using SSL then just set it to fasle
I didn't even had this line in my config. Now I have set cookieSecureOption to false as you said and everything works fine! Could you please explain me why it worked locally but not in server?
Thank you!