- 1
State of the project with respect to Play 2.6 and 2.7 (play-2.7.x-auth-0.15-RC1)
#194 opened by JensRichnow - 24
Support for Play 2.6
#184 opened by JakubKahovec - 0
Facebook authenticator not working
#193 opened by hpolkowski - 0
Compilation error in Auth.scala
#181 opened by mycaule - 0
Out of date reference in README
#192 opened by philliptaylorpro - 1
I want to test when user has no authority.
#186 opened by mt-sito - 0
- 0
I want to be in authorize get url
#183 opened by 5s2j0f6c8k - 1
POST request responses are all "Unauthorized"
#182 opened by camilosampedro - 0
- 0
resolveUser with error logging
#179 opened by fugafree - 2
Session works on localhost but not on server
#177 opened by somiclds - 0
Confusing doco for authorizationFailed in README
#176 opened by andrewswan - 0
Support optional parameters for login
#175 opened by tototoshi - 2
Need debug logging when authorization failed
#173 opened by tototoshi - 1
Questions: Have 3 levels of authentication
#174 opened by yoannspace - 4
Use CacheApi in play 2.4.x
#155 opened by y0t4 - 1
Request body parsing should happen after authentication & authorization validation
#163 opened by mavarazy - 4
Issues if using unicode arrows (overloaded method value AsyncStack with alternatives)
#158 opened by jan0sch - 2
- 1
get logged in user in a filter
#159 opened by liorhar - 2
"val res" in READ_ME is not understandable
#165 opened by JohnReedLOL - 0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256M; support was removed in 8.0
#164 opened by jsdevelopcom - 1
Sample code remember me bug?
#162 opened by jnandrew - 3
- 5
Can't mix AuthElement and OptionalAuthElement
#148 opened by takiri - 1
Dependency injection in play2-auth
#152 opened by ziguane - 2
Same user multi connection
#154 opened by kolxo - 2
Q: sameAuthor doesn't even compile for me
#145 opened by th-e - 10
Example with play-slick
#141 opened by djonmayer - 7
Cannot authenticate after play reloads
#125 opened by fnordian - 1
Adding plugin with already created models, services
#153 opened by charafau - 6
- 3
Question: Persistent remember me
#151 opened by maxmos10 - 2
- 3
- 2
play 2.4.2 and can't decode cookie header
#142 opened by brianwawok - 1
AsyncStack serious issue
#143 opened by lunayo - 1
Custom login with json
#135 opened by anssirantanen - 2
Cache dependency needed (Play 2.4)
#134 opened by misto - 17
play 2.4 builds.
#128 opened by indykish - 1
An error "Cookie value contains an invalid char: !" happens when pass big number to gotoLoginSucceeded()
#137 opened by henohenotsuyoshi - 1
Single Page Application authentication example
#121 opened by sedovalx - 4
- 9
access to Action with multiple UserPermission
#126 opened by roohix - 4
Using play2-auth application as oauth
#129 opened by marius-carp - 3
- 7
Alternative for mechanism for authentication
#112 opened by Otann - 4
- 1
Method authorization
#113 opened by viejodecaldas