The plugin uses the Nordic Android DFU Library available here and provides an uploadFirmware function for Cordova.
The following functions are available:
uploadFirmware(updateCallback, errorCallback, parameter)
both callback functions return json objects
return: {
'status': String, status, such as connecting, disconnecting, progress, completed, etc.
'progress': Integer, percentage of current upload prograss, min 1, max 100, (only if status == progress)
'speed': Float, upload speed in Mb/s (only if status == progress)
'avg_speed': Float, average upload speed in Mb/s (only if status == progress)
the parameter object has to be a json with the following fields:
parameter: {
'address': String, bluetooth address of the device (required)
'name': String, name of the device (required)
'filePath': String, absolut path of the file which should be uploaded (required*)
'fileUri': String, absolut path as an Uri, has to be encoded with encodeUri() (required*)
'fileType': Integer, type of uploaded file, see Android DFU Library for details (optional, default TYPE_APPLICATION)
'initFilePath': String, absolut path of the init file (optional*, default null which means no init file used)
'initFileUri': String, absolut path of the init file as an Uri, has to be encoded with encodeUri() (optional*)
'keepBond': Boolean, see Android DFU Library for details (optional, default false)
fields with a * means they are mutually exclusive, with the path having the priority. E.g. only 1 of the filePath or fileUri has to be provided. If both are provided, the Path is used. Same for the init file which is optional and doesn't have to be provided.
- Download nordic library from
- Create an Eclipse Android library project as described on (ignore step 6)
- Copy the content of the Eclipse Android Library to the folder src/android/LibraryProject
- copy file src/android/ to src/android/LibraryProject/src/no/nordicsemi/android
- Update src/android/LibraryProject/src/no/nordicsemi/android/dfu/
- add import;
- create field private FakeR fakeR;
- assign field in onCreate: fakeR = new FakeR(this);
- replace all occurrences of getString( by getString(fakeR.getId("string", "xxx"))
- replace all occurrences of getString(, yyy) String.format(getString(fakeR.getId("string", "xxx")), yyy)
- replace all occurrences of BuildConfig.DEBUG by (Boolean)fakeR.getBuildConfigValue("DEBUG")
The copyrights (2014-2015) for the code belongs to the team of Distributed Organisms B.V. and are provided under an noncontagious open-source license:
- Authors: Dominik Egger
- Date: 27. Jul. 2015
- License: LGPL v3+, Apache, or MIT, your choice
- Almende B.V., and DoBots B.V.,
- Rotterdam, The Netherlands