
lit-html I18N example application based on a vaadin tutorial app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

lit-html I18N webpack example app

Get Started

gulp locales --targets="de es fr ja zh-Hans" # add locales
gulp # populate resources
# translate src/xliff/bundle.*.xlf
gulp # merge translations
npm run prod # webpack build from preprocess/
cd dist
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 # serve from dist/


  • @opwn-wc/webpack-import-meta-loader is a minimal plugin and its feasibility is being verified
  • static get is() getter is explicitly declared to survive UglifyJS mangling for class names, whose feasiblity is being verified as well
  • Dependent @vaadin/* elements are depending on @polymer/polymer and @polymer/* elements.
  • While the polymer elements and libraries are all included in the generated bundles, the webpack configurations should be compatible even after they are removed from the app.
  • locales/bundle.*.json are NOT included in the webpack bundles but fetched via XHR

This app is based on https://github.com/vaadin-learning-center/lit-element-tutorial-pwa-and-offline

Tutorial: https://preview.vaadin.com/tutorials/lit-element/pwa-and-offline Video: https://youtu.be/ToxKlmqgZHw