GabeNU-Steamacs is a WIP Emacs Steam Launcher. Here are the features available to you at the moment:
M-x counsel-steam-game-menu
: Returns a menu listing your Steam Library.M-x counsel-steam-recentf
: Returns a menu listing your recently played Steam games.M-x counsel-steam-game-mod-launchopt
: Like game-menu but edits your launch options.
To install GabeNU-Steamacs, add this to your init.el
(add-to-list 'load-path "STEAMACS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY") ;; Replace "STEAMACS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY" with the directory of your Steamacs install
(require 'counsel-steam-game-menu)
(require 'counsel-steam-recentf)
(require 'counsel-steam-game-mod-launchopt)
(setq steam_api_key "YOUR_STEAM_API_KEY_HERE") ;; Register or get your api key here:
(setq steam_account_id "AccountID") ;; Go to `` and copy the numbers from 'AccountID'
(setq steam_id "SteamID") ;; Go to `` and copy the numbers from 'SteamID'
(setq steamdir "steamacs") ;; OPTIONAL ;; name of steamacs cache directory on .emacs.d
(setq steamlauncher_sh "<EMACS_DIR>/<STEAMDIR>/") ;; OPTIONAL ;; path for that Steamacs uses to launch steam games.
(setq steamlaunchoptions_py "<EMACS_DIR>/<STEAMDIR>/") ;; OPTIONAL ;; path for that Steamacs uses to modify your launch options.
To have GabeNU-Steamacs working properly, make sure that the vdf
module for python is installed:
$ pip install vdf
Also, GabeNU-Steamacs autogenerates the
files on your steamdir
- Phundrak for suggesting I don’t hardcode
- Proton Menu Implentation
- Steam Store