This is my personal website, mainly meant to act as a professional portfolio and log of my side projects.


The blog website uses the Hugo framework, with Kiera theme. I'm hosting the website using Netlify.


Create new Post

I can add new blog posts with nvim content/post/$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")

Adding Images

If I use images I need to add them into the static/ folder. I'm using the naming convention $(date "+%Y-%m-%d") so that they are organized a bit.

Local testing

  • To test out the blog locally I just need to run hugo server -D and view the WIP at localhost:1313
  • I can use ngrok http 1313 to get a URL to share with people before I post an article.
  • When running with ngrok I need to make sure that I do:
hugo server -D -b <GENERATE_URL_FROM_NGROK> --appendPort=False


  • To actually publish a post I just need to make a commit and push it to Github, netlify will take care of the build and deployment.

Updating the Theme Style

  • I use a submodule to manage the style. To change it I need to make a change to the files in themes/kiera/ and push that to github.