
manages multi file generation with multi folder target. List the files from solution. Parsing the code C#, Visual Basic, and all .NET languages integrated into Visual Studio.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


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what this script T4 do

  • Manages multi file generation with multi folder target.
  • List the files from solution.
  • Parse the code C#, Visual Basic, and all .NET languages integrated into Visual Studio.

how this script T4 is developed

  • this t4 is developed in a classic csharp project (VisualStudio.ParsingSolution). a T4 "Generator/T4/Project2T4/GenerateFromProject.t4" concate all files of the project and generate the T4 "ParsingSolution.generated.t4"

Getting started

Parsing solution

Split the generation in many files

<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@ output extension=".txt" #>
<#@ include file="..\..\..\VisualStudio.ParsingSolution\ParsingSolution.generated.t4" #>


	// initialize the split file manager. 
	using(ManagerScope _manager = ScopeHelper.StartManager())

		// create a new file called 'test.generated.txt' located under the script T4.
		using (_manager.NewFile("Test.txt"))




Generate files in a specific folder

<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
<#@ include file="..\..\..\VisualStudio.ParsingSolution\ParsingSolution.generated.t4" #>


	// initialize the split file manager. 
	using(ManagerScope _manager = ScopeHelper.StartManager())

		// get the project that contains the script T4
		var project = _manager.GetCurrentProject();

		// get the folder specified by the path.
		var folder = project.GetFolder(@"targetFolder\SubTargetFolder");

		// create a new file called 'test.generated.txt' located in the specified folder.
		// Note : all files tagged 'generated' in the name are deleted.
		using (_manager.NewFile("Test.txt", folder))




Manipulate the solution

	// get a reference to the solution
	var sln = ProjectHelper.GetContext().Solution();

	// get all object of type NodeFolderSolution (solution folder)
	List<NodeFolderSolution> listSlnFolders = sln.GetItem<NodeFolderSolution>().ToList();

	// get all object of type NodeProject (Project)
	List<NodeProject> listProjects = sln.GetItem<NodeProject>().ToList();

	// get all object of type NodeItem (folder in project)
	List<NodeItemFolder> listFolders = sln.GetItem<NodeItemFolder>().ToList();

	// get all object of type NodeItem (working file *.cs, *.vb, ...)
	List<NodeItem> listFiles = sln.GetItem<NodeItem>().ToList();

	// get the project called 'SplitFiles'
	var prj = sln.GetProjects(c => c.Name == "SplitFiles").FirstOrDefault();

	// add a file in the solution

Code parser

Parsing the classes of the solution

<#@ template debug="true" hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@ output extension=".txt" #>
<#@ include file="..\..\SolutionManagement.t4" #>

	// get a reference to solution
	NodeSolution sln = ProjectHelper.GetContext().Solution();

	// get all object of type NodeItem (working file *.cs, *.vb, ...)
	List<NodeItem> list = sln.GetItem<NodeItem>().ToList();

	foreach(NodeItem item in list)

		// parse the list of code objects from 
		foreach(BaseInfo obj in item.GetClassItems())
			ClassInfo cls = obj as ClassInfo;

			if (cls != null)
				WriteLine("class : " + cls.Name);
				WriteLine("" + cls.DocComment);
				WriteLine("Methods : ");

				// Parse methods
				foreach(CodeFunctionInfo m in cls.GetMethods())

					var t = m.Type.AsFullName.Trim();
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(t))
						t = "void";
					Write("\t" + t + " " + m.Name);
					bool f = false;
                    foreach (MethodParamInfo p1 in m.Parameters)
						if (f)
							Write(", ");
						Write(p1.Type.AsFullName + " " + p1.Name);
						f = true;

				// Parse proprerties
				WriteLine("Properties : ");
				foreach(CodePropertyInfo p in cls.GetProperties())
					TypeInfo t = p.Type;
					Write("\t" + t.AsFullName + " " + p.Name);

				// Parse events
				WriteLine("Events : ");
				foreach(CodeEventInfo e in cls.GetEvents())
					WriteLine("\t event " + e.Type.AsFullName  + " " + e.Name);





Parse attributes

Parse attributes

	// get a reference to solution
	NodeSolution sln = ProjectHelper.GetContext().Solution();

	// get all object of type NodeItem (working file *.cs, *.vb, ...)
	List<NodeItem> list = sln.GetItem<NodeItem>().ToList();

	foreach(NodeItem item in list)

		// parse the list of code objects from 
		foreach(BaseInfo obj in item.GetClassItems())
			ClassInfo cls = obj as ClassInfo;

			if (cls != null)
				WriteLine("class : " + cls.Name);
                foreach (AttributeInfo attr in cls.Attributes)
					WriteLine("\tattribute : " + attr.FullName);
                    foreach (AttributeArgumentInfo arg in attr.Arguments)
						WriteLine("\t\t" + (arg.Name  + " "  + arg.Value).Trim());

Parse interfaces

 	// get a reference to solution
	NodeSolution sln = ProjectHelper.GetContext().Solution();

	// get all object of type NodeItem (working file *.cs, *.vb, ...)
	List<NodeItem> list = sln.GetItem<NodeItem>().ToList();

	foreach(NodeItem item in list)

		// parse the list of code objects from 
		foreach(InterfaceInfo i in item.GetClassItems<InterfaceInfo>())

				WriteLine("interfaces : " + i.Name);




Parse generic arguments of the class

 	NodeSolution sln = ProjectHelper.GetContext().Solution();

	// get all object of type NodeItem (working file *.cs, *.vb, ...)
	List<NodeItem> list = sln.GetItem<NodeItem>().ToList();

	foreach(NodeItem item in list)

		// parse the list of code objects from 
		foreach(ClassInfo cls in item.GetClassItems<ClassInfo>(c => c.IsGeneric))
			WriteLine("class : " + cls.FullName);
            foreach (GenericArgument gen in cls.GenericArguments)

				Write("\twhere " + gen.Name + ":" );
				if (gen.IsClass)
					WriteLine(" class");

				bool t = false;

                foreach (var cons in gen.Constraints)
					if (t)

					Write(" " + cons);

					t = true;

				if (gen.HasEmptyConstructor)
					if (t)

					WriteLine(" new()");



Breaking changes

many function was in the root of the template moves in helpers


   NodeSolution sln = Solution();


   NodeSolution sln = ProjectHelper.GetContext().Solution();
	using(ManagerScope _manager = StartManager())



   	using(ManagerScope _manager = ScopeHelper.StartManager())



Gaël, Beard (gaelgael5@gmail.com)
Architect by pickup

Copyright 2015