
Fabricated an Audio Amplifier without the use of standard ICs. Implemented in Multisim.

Audio Amplifier

An audio power amplifier (or power amp) is an electronic amplifier that amplifies low-power electronic audio signals to a level that is high enough for driving loudspeakers or headphones. It is the final electronic stage in a typical audio playback chain before the signal is sent to the loudspeakers.

The aim of the project is to construct an Audio Amplifier capable of amplifying sound signals by a factor of 500 while minimising noise picked up by the microphone.

Building Blocks of the Amplifier

  1. Microphone
  2. Pre-Amplifier
  3. Gain Stage
  4. Filter
  5. Power Amplifier
  6. Load Stage
Pre-Amp Gain Stage Filter Power Amp
1 2 3 4


Directory Structure

  • src folder contains the Multisim Code.
  • img contains all the images of the different stages of the circuit.

Running the file

  1. Run the multisim file.