
Experiment to implement ex-mode for vim-mode-plus

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


  • I originally released this package for quick workaround of lack of ex-mode support.
  • But now ex-mode works with vim-mode-plus.
  • If you want better ex-mode, don't use this package, use ex-mode instead.

Experimental ex-mode support for vim-mode-plus

How to use?

Default keymaps are provided from v0.8.0. In normal-mode, following keymaps are available.

  • :: vim-mode-plus-ex-mode:open: open ex-mode then can use following operations

    • 11: Move to line 11.
    • +11, -11: Move to relative line.
    • 50%: Move to 50% of buffer..
    • 15:10: Move to line 15, column 10
    • !: Toggle boolean config parameter.
    • w, wq, split, vsplit etc.
    • nohlsearch: to clear highlight-search.
  • !: vim-mode-plus-ex-mode:toggle-setting: toggle boolean setting-value.

    • Choose setting parameter to toggle boolean value.
    • Shorthand of : then input !

NOTE for heavy ex-mode user

I'm not motivated for this package.
My thought for providing ex-mode(: command) in Atom is here #52.
Please understand this package as reference, example, prototype implementation.
Don't ask me to improve this package into true ex-mode emulation.

Instead, you can learn

For example, there are quicker and effective ways than doing s/abc/def/g.
By using Atom's multiple-cursors, and also vim-mod-plus's occurrence feature(unique enhancement).