Note: This extension leverages your machine's SVN installation,
so you need to install SVN first.
If you use TortoiseSVN, make sure the option
Command Line Tools is checked during installation and
C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin
is available in PATH.
- Please report any bugs, suggestions or documentation requests via the Issues
- Feel free to submit pull requests
- Source Control View
- Quick Diffs in gutter
- Status Bar
- Create changelists
- Add files
- Revert edits
- Remove files
- Create branches
- Switch branches
- Create patches
- Diff changes
- Commit changes/changelists
- See commit messages
Please use a dedicated extension like blamer-vs
* SVN Status in File Explorer (See #34)
How to enable:
- Open the file:
<vscode path>\resources\app\product.json
- Find
- Append
in the array
"extensionAllowedProposedApi": [
// TO
"extensionAllowedProposedApi": [
"ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare", "johnstoncode.svn-scm"
Here is a table of settings with their default values. To change any of these, add the relevant Config key and value to your VSCode settings.json file.
Config | Description | Default |
svn.enabled |
Whether svn is enabled | true |
svn.enableProposedApi |
Allow usage of proposed APIs of VSCode. set 'product' to auto-edit product.json, set 'argument' to allow with start argument, set 'none' to not prompt | null |
svn.autorefresh |
Whether auto refreshing is enabled | true |
svn.decorations.enabled |
Controls if SVN contributes colors and badges to the explorer and the open (VSCode >= 1.18 with proposed-api) | true |
svn.path |
Path to the svn executable | null |
svn.defaultCheckoutDirectory |
The default location to checkout a svn repository. | null |
svn.ignoreRepositories |
List of SVN repositories to ignore. | null |
svn.ignoreMissingSvnWarning |
Ignores the warning when SVN is missing | false |
svn.ignoreWorkingCopyIsTooOld |
Ignores the warning when working copy is too old | false |
svn.diff.withHead |
Show diff changes using latest revision in the repository. Set false to use latest revision in local folder | true |
svn.layout.trunkRegex |
Regex to detect path for 'trunk' in SVN URL, 'null' to disable. (Ex.: '(trunk)', '(main)') | "(trunk)(/.*)?" |
svn.layout.trunkRegexName |
Regex group position for name of trunk | 1 |
svn.layout.branchesRegex |
Regex to detect path for 'branches' in SVN URL, 'null' to disable. Subpath use 'branches/[^/]+/([^/]+)(/.*)?' (Ex.: 'branches/...', 'versions/...') | "branches/([^/]+)(/.*)?" |
svn.layout.branchesRegexName |
Regex group position for name of branch | 1 |
svn.layout.tagsRegex |
Regex to detect path for 'tags' in SVN URL, 'null' to disable. Subpath use 'tags/[^/]+/([^/]+)(/.*)?'. (Ex.: 'tags/...', 'stamps/...') | "tags/([^/]+)(/.*)?" |
svn.layout.tagRegexName |
Regex group position for name of tag | 1 |
svn.layout.showFullName |
Set true to show 'branches/<name>' and false to show only '<name>' | true |
svn.multipleFolders.enabled |
Allow to find subfolders using SVN | false |
svn.multipleFolders.depth |
Maximum depth to find subfolders using SVN | 4 |
svn.multipleFolders.ignore |
Folders to ignore using SVN | ["**/.git","**/.hg","**/vendor","**/node_modules"] |
svn.sourceControl.ignoreOnCommit |
Changelists to ignore on commit | ["ignore-on-commit"] |
svn.sourceControl.ignoreOnStatusCount |
Changelists to ignore on status count | ["ignore-on-commit"] |
svn.detectExternals |
Controls whether to automatically detect svn externals. | true |
svn.detectIgnored |
Controls whether to automatically detect svn on ignored folders. | true |
svn.sourceControl.combineExternalIfSameServer |
Combine the svn external in the main if is from the same server. | false |
svn.sourceControl.countUnversioned |
Allow to count unversioned files in status count | true |
svn.log.length |
Number of commit messages to log | 50 |
svn.showOutput |
Show the output window when the extension starts | false |
svn.conflicts.autoResolve |
Set file to status resolved after fix conflictss | false |
svn.update.ignoreExternals |
Set to ignore externals definitions on update (add --ignore-externals) | true |
svn.delete.actionForDeletedFiles |
When a file is deleted, what SVN should do? none - Do nothing, prompt - Ask the action, remove - automatically remove from SVN |
"prompt" |
svn.delete.ignoredRulesForDeletedFiles |
Ignored files/rules for svn.delete.actionForDeletedFiles (Ex.: file.txt or **/*.txt) |
[] |
svn.default.encoding |
Encoding of svn output if the output is not utf-8. When this parameter is null, the encoding is automatically detected. Example: 'windows-1252'. | null |
svn.showUpdateMessage |
Show the update message when update is run | true |
svn.remoteChanges.checkFrequency |
Set the interval in seconds to check changed files on remote repository and show in statusbar. 0 to disable | 300 |
svn.sourceControl.hideUnversioned |
Hide unversioned files in Source Control UI | false |
svn.refresh.remoteChanges |
Refresh remote changes on refresh command | false |
svn.sourceControl.changesLeftClick |
Set left click functionality on changes resource state | "open diff" |
svn.gravatars.enabled |
Use garavatar icons in log viewers | true |