Program for controlling Thorlabs stepper motors Version: 1.0
- Unpack drivers. Bash script should determine which drivers to use. If not, unpack manually in drivers project directory.
- Use "make" for only cmd application and "make gui" for application with both cmd and graphical interface. (See requirements fo graphical interface)
- Any Linux OS (tested on Ubuntu and Arch)
- Linux kernel 2.4 and higher
- STD c++11
- Qt library version 5 an higher if using graphical interface
Note: Accessing USB device may require priviledges. On systems using systemd add new rule to "/etc/udec/rules.d" directory. Example rule, that allows device use for users in group device_group : SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1234", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5678", ACTION=="add", GROUP="device_group", MODE="0664"
- TDC001
- MST601 / MST602
- all BBD devices
- all BSC devices
- OST001
- ODC001
- TST001
- TBD001
Feel free to report any bugs or submit ideas. Github accout: tWido Email: tomas.wido (at)