
NTFS parser, plus linking capabilites between MFT LogFile and UsnJrnl

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


NTFS parser, plus linking capabilites between MFT LogFile and UsnJrnl This project is part of a research looking into the possibilities of combining the MFT, LogFile and UsnJrnl. The code is written from scratch and made open-source under the MIT license.

This proof-of-concept is not a commercial ready project.


There is a basic shell script which does all the basic parsing. This gives the user a quick output of files without knowing all the separate commands.

NOTE: Some subcommands/programs have a raw,parsed,csv,transactions choice. This gives a type of output. In case of the transaction option in the logfileparse.py this will connect the separate LSN together.


Without a parameter the help information will be printed.


./full_run.sh image_name sector_offset directory

variable description
image_name Raw disk image
sector_offset offset to partition in sectors (mmls could be used for this)
directory relative directory for file output

NOTE: this script needs The Sleuth Kit's (TSK) 'fls' program


MFT parser This program exists out of multiple subcommands which makes it able to export specific inums, of extract the date which belongs to a specific inum.


mftparse.py [-h] {export,extractdata,statistics} ...

positional arguments description
export Export specific inums into a certain type
extractdata Extracts data for a single entry, essentially returning the file
statistics Show statistics about this NTFS
optional arguments description
-h, --help show this help message and exit


Export specific inums into a certain type


mftparse.py export [-h] [-o OFFSET_SECTORS | -O OFFSET_BYTES] [-s SECTOR_SIZE] [-i IMAGE | -f FILE] [-t {raw,parsed,csv}] [-e EXPORT_FILE] [-q INUMS]

optional arguments choice description
-h, --help None show this help message and exit
-o OFFSET_SECTORS Offset into the image for the filesystem, in sectors
-O OFFSET_BYTES Offset into the image for the filesystem, in bytes
-s SECTOR_SIZE sector size (default=512)
-i IMAGE raw image file
-f FILE extracted $MFT file
-t raw,parsed,csv Type of export. Default=parsed
-e EXPORT_FILE Name of destination file. If left out, stdout is used. Existing files will be overwritten.
-q INUMS Singe inum or range(s) of inums. Ranges are inclusive. Example: 0-11,24-34,40. Also possible: all. Default=all


Extracts data for a single entry, essentially returning the file


mftparse.py extractdata [-h] [-o OFFSET_SECTORS | -O OFFSET_BYTES] [-s SECTOR_SIZE] [-i IMAGE | -f FILE] [-q INUM] [-a DATA_STREAM] [-e OUTPUT_FILE]

optional arguments choice description
-h, --help None show this help message and exit
-o OFFSET_SECTORS Offset into the image for the filesystem, in sectors
-O OFFSET_BYTES Offset into the image for the filesystem, in bytes
-s SECTOR_SIZE sector size (default=512)
-i IMAGE raw image file
-f FILE extracted $MFT file
-q INUM Inode number of the entry to extract data of
-a DATA_STREAM (Alternate) data stream. Default=0
-e OUTPUT_FILE Name of file that will contain the data


Show statistics about this NTFS


mftparse.py statistics [-h] [-o OFFSET_SECTORS | -O OFFSET_BYTES] [-s SECTOR_SIZE] [-i IMAGE | -f FILE]

optional arguments choice description
-h, --help None show this help message and exit
-o OFFSET_SECTORS Offset into the image for the filesystem, in sectors
-O OFFSET_BYTES Offset into the image for the filesystem, in bytes
-s SECTOR_SIZE sector size (default=512)
-i IMAGE raw image file
-f FILE extracted $MFT file


usage: ./logfileparse.py [-h] [-f FILE_NAME] [-e EXPORT_FILE] [-t {parsed,csv,transaction,parsedlsns}] [-d DUMP_DIR] [-n NUM] [-q LSNS] [-p]

optional arguments choice description
-h, --help None show this help message and exit
-f FILE_NAME extracted $DATA attribute of the $MFT $LogFile entry
-e EXPORT_FILE Name of destination file. If left out, stdout is used. Existing files will be overwritten.
-t parsed,csv,transaction,parsedlsns Type of export. Default=parsed
-d DUMP_DIR Directory for dumping incomplete parsed pages. Output in directory is full binary RCRD page of 4096 bytes. Default='./errorpages'
-n NUM Number of pages to parse. If left out, all pages are parsed
-q LSNS Select what LSN's to output (parsed). Comma separated.
-p None Put program in performance measurement mode



usnjrnlparse.py [-h] [-f FILE] [-e OUTPUT] [-n NUMBER]

optional arguments choice description
-h, --help None show this help message and exit
-f FILE File containing the UsnJrnl
-e OUTPUT Output file
-n NUMBER Number of records to parse. If left out, all will be parsed.


This program combines the separate parsers and generate a simple overview illustrating the possibilities of what can be reached when combining the different outputs.


proof-of-concept.py [-h] [-o OFFSET_SECTORS | -O OFFSET_BYTES] [-s SECTOR_SIZE] -i IMAGE [-d DUMP_DIR] [-q INUM] [--deleted]

optional arguments choice description
-h, --help None show this help message and exit
-o OFFSET_SECTORS Offset into the image for the filesystem, in sectors
-O OFFSET_BYTES Offset into the image for the filesystem, in bytes
-s SECTOR_SIZE sector size (default=512)
-i IMAGE raw image file
-d DUMP_DIR Directory for dumping incomplete parsed pages. Output in directory is full binary RCRD page of 4096 bytes. Default='./errorpages'
-q INUM MFT entry number (inum) to show data of
--deleted Only show deleted data for MFT entry/entries

Usage examples

To do a full run using the example disk:

./full_run.sh disk_image/disk.raw 128 output

To generate a human-readable parsed output of the MFT do:

./mftparse.py export -i disk_image/disk.raw -o 128 -t parsed -e output/mft.parsed

Extracting the LogFile out of the MFT:

./mftparse.py extractdata -i disk_image/disk.raw -o 128 -q 2 -e output/logfile.raw

Parse the raw LogFile data into a .csv file:

./logfileparse.py -f output/logfile.raw -t csv -e output/logfile.csv

For the output of the proof-of-concept program piped to less:

./proof-of-concept.py -o 128 -i disk_image/disk.raw | less

For a specific inum do:

./proof-of-concept.py -o 128 -i disk_image/disk.raw -q 40 | less

For a specific inum, only showing historic information:

./proof-of-concept.py -o 128 -i disk_image/disk.raw -q 40 --deleted | less

Project structure

Short explanation of the directories in the repo.

  • disk_image Contains a 10.5 MB example NTFS disk, including MBR.
  • errorpages Directory that will contain all invalid and error pages of a LogFile parser run.
  • ntfs_parse Directory containing the framework structure.
  • output Example directory with the extracted files of the example disk in the disk_image directory.

Create diagram of code

To automatically create a class diagram from the Python3 code, do the following:

  1. apt-get install pylint3
  2. pyreverse3 ntfs_parse/
  3. dot -Tsvg classes_No_Name.dot -o classes.svg

Or for Debian Jessie, 8.2

  1. apt-get install python3-pip
  2. pip3 install pylint
  3. pyreverse ntfs_parse/
  4. dot -Tsvg classes_No_Name.dot -o classes.svg

The svg can be opened in Firefox