
Forensics tool for NTFS (parser, mft, bitlocker, deleted files)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


GitHub license Language: C++ x64 x86

NTFSTool is a forensic tool to play with NTFS partition. It supports reading partition info (mbr, partition table, vbr) but also information on bitlocker encrypted partition (fve). See examples below that show some features !



NTFSTool displays the complete structure of master boot record, volume boot record, partition table and MFT file record. It is also possible to dump any file (even hidden $mft) or parse $usnjrnl, $logfile. The undelete command will search for any file record marked as "not in use" and allow you to retrieve the file (or part of the file if it was already rewritten).

Bitlocker support

For bitlocked partition, it can check a password and support 3 formats (bek, password, recovery key). There is no bruteforcing feature because GPU-based cracking is better (see Bitcracker and Hashcat).


There is a very limited shell with few commands (exit, cd, ls , cat , pwd).

Help & Examples

the help command displays some examples for each command.

ntfstool help [command]
Command Description
info Display information for all disks and volumes
mbr Display MBR structure, code and partitions for a disk
gpt Display GPT structure, code and partitions for a disk
vbr Display VBR structure and code for a specidifed volume (ntfs, fat32, fat1x, bitlocker supported)
mft Display FILE record details for a specified MFT inode. Almost all attribute types supported
bitlocker Display detailed information and hash ($bitlocker$) for all VMK. It is possible to test a password or recovery key. If it is correct, the decrypted VMK and FVEK is displayed.
bitdecrypt Decrypt a volume to a file using password, recovery key or bek.
fve Display information for the specified FVE block (0, 1, 2)
logfile Dump $LogFile file in specified format: csv, json, raw.
usn Dump $UsnJrnl file in specified format: csv, json, raw.
undelete Search and extract deleted files for a volume.
shell Start a mini-shell


  • May contains bugs and unsupported cases.
  • No image file support. You can use tools like OSFMount to mount your disk image.
  • No documentation 😶.


  • cppcoro (vcpkg): A library of C++ coroutine abstractions for the coroutines TS.

Output examples


| Id | Model                     | Type      | Partition | Size                       |
| 0  | Samsung SSD 850 EVO 500GB | Fixed SSD | GPT       | 500107862016 (465.76 GiBs) |
| 1  | ST2000DM001-1ER164        | Fixed HDD | GPT       | 2000398934016 (1.82 TiB)   |
| 2  | 15EADS External           | Fixed HDD | MBR       | 1500301910016 (1.36 TiB)   |
| 3  | osfdisk                   | Fixed HDD | MBR       | 536870912 (512.00 MiBs)    |
info disk=3
Model       : osfdisk
Version     : 1
Serial      :
Media Type  : Fixed HDD
Size        : 536870912 (512.00 MiBs)
Geometry    : 512 bytes * 63 sectors * 255 tracks * 65 cylinders
Volume      : MBR

| Id | Boot | Label     | Mounted | Filesystem | Offset           | Size                           |
| 1  | No   | NTFSDRIVE | F:\     | Bitlocker  | 0000000000000200 | 000000001ffffe00 (512.00 MiBs) |
info disk=3 volume=1
Serial Number  : 0000aa60-00002eae
Filesystem     : Bitlocker
Bootable       : False
Type           : Fixed
Label          : NTFSDRIVE
Offset         : 512 (512.00 bytes)
Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Free           : 519442432 (495.38 MiBs)
Mounted        : True (F:\)
Bitlocker      : True (Unlocked)


mbr disk=3
Disk signature  : 9825a009
Reserved bytes  : 0000

Partition table :
| Id | Boot | Type         | First sector | Last sector | Offset | Size    |
| 1  | No   | NTFS / exFAT | 0 2 0        | 254 63 64   | 1      | 1048575 |

MBR signature  : 55aa

    No strings found

Disassemble Bootstrap Code [y/N] ? y
    Empty code


gpt disk=1
Signature        : EFI PART
Revision         : 1.0
Header Size      : 92
Header CRC32     : cc72e4d3
Reserved         : 00000000
Current LBA      : 1
Backup LBA       : 3907029167
First Usable LBA : 34
Last Usable LBA  : 3907029134
GUID             : {a21d6495-cd58-4b8d-b968-dc337adcf6ac}
Entry LBA        : 2
Entries Num      : 128
Entries Size     : 128
Partitions CRC32 : 0c9a0a25

Partition table  : 2 entries
| Id | Name                         | GUID                                   | First sector | Last sector | Flags                |
| 1  | Microsoft reserved partition | {da0ac4a1-a78c-4053-bab5-36c70a71fe63} | 34           | 262177      | 0000000000000000     |
| 2  | Basic data partition         | {4b4ea4b3-64a1-4c6d-bd4b-1c2b0e4e706f} | 264192       | 3907028991  | 0000000000000000     |


vbr disk=3 volume=1
Structure :
    Jump             : eb5890 (jmp 0x7c5a)
    OEM id           : -FVE-FS-
    BytePerSector    : 512
    SectorPerCluster : 8
    Reserved Sectors : 0
    Number of FATs   : 0
    Root Max Entries : 0
    Total Sectors    : 0
    Media Type       : f8
    SectorPerFat     : 8160
    SectorPerTrack   : 63
    Head Count       : 255
    FS Offset        : 1
    Total Sectors    : 0
    FAT Flags        : 0000
    FAT Version      : 0000
    Root Cluster     : 0
    FS Info Sector   : 1
    Backup BootSector: 6
    Reserved         : 00000000
    Reserved         : 00000000
    Reserved         : 00000000
    Drive Number     : 80
    Reserved         : 00
    Ext. Boot Sign   : 29
    Serial Nuumber   : 00000000
    Volume Name      : NO NAME
    FileSystem Type  : FAT32
    Volume GUID      : {4967d63b-2e29-4ad8-8399-f6a339e3d001}
    FVE Block 1      : 0000000002100000
    FVE Block 2      : 00000000059e4000
    FVE Block 3      : 00000000092c8000
    End marker       : 55aa

    [00] : Remove disks or other media. 
    [1f] : Disk error 
    [2c] : Press any key to restart

Disassemble Bootstrap Code [y/N] ? y

    7c5a : eb58           : jmp 0x7cb4
    7c5c : 90             : nop
    7c5d : 2d4656         : sub ax, 0x5646
    7c60 : 45             : inc bp
    7c61 : 2d4653         : sub ax, 0x5346
    7c64 : 2d0002         : sub ax, 0x200


mft disk=2 volume=1 inode=5 (root folder)
Signature         : FILE
Update Offset     : 48
Update Number     : 3
$LogFile LSN      : 274035114
Sequence Number   : 5
Hardlink Count    : 1
Attribute Offset  : 56
Flags             : In_use | Directory
Real Size         : 704
Allocated Size    : 1024
Base File Record  : 0
Next Attribute ID : 56
MFT Record Index  : 5
Update Seq Number : 4461
Update Seq Array  : 00000000


| Id | Type                   | Non-resident | Length | Overview                                                   |
| 1  | $STANDARD_INFORMATION  | False        | 72     | File Created Time       : 2009-12-02 02:03:31              |
|    |                        |              |        | Last File Write Time    : 2020-02-24 19:42:23              |
|    |                        |              |        | FileRecord Changed Time : 2020-02-24 19:42:23              |
|    |                        |              |        | Last Access Time        : 2020-02-24 19:42:23              |
|    |                        |              |        | Permissions             :                                  |
|    |                        |              |        |   read_only     : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   hidden        : 1                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   system        : 1                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   device        : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   normal        : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   temporary     : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   sparse        : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   reparse_point : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   compressed    : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   offline       : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   not_indexed   : 1                                        |
|    |                        |              |        |   encrypted     : 0                                        |
|    |                        |              |        | Max Number of Versions  : 0                                |
|    |                        |              |        | Version Number          : 0                                |
| 2  | $FILE_NAME             | False        | 68     | Parent Dir Record Index : 5                                |
|    |                        |              |        | Parent Dir Sequence Num : 5                                |
|    |                        |              |        | File Created Time       : 2009-12-02 02:03:31              |
|    |                        |              |        | Last File Write Time    : 2011-12-24 03:13:12              |
|    |                        |              |        | FileRecord Changed Time : 2011-12-24 03:13:12              |
|    |                        |              |        | Last Access Time        : 1970-01-01 00:59:59              |
|    |                        |              |        | Allocated Size          : 0                                |
|    |                        |              |        | Real Size               : 0                                |
|    |                        |              |        | ------                                                     |
|    |                        |              |        | Name                    : .                                |
| 3  | $OBJECT_ID             | False        | 16     | Object Unique ID        : {cce8fec5-9a29-11df-be68-0017f29 |
|    |                        |              |        |                           8268d}                           |
| 4  | $INDEX_ROOT            | False        | 152    | Attribute Type          : 00000030h                        |
|    |                        |              |        | Collation Rule          : 1                                |
|    |                        |              |        | Index Alloc Entry Size  : 4096                             |
|    |                        |              |        | Cluster/Index Record    : 1                                |
|    |                        |              |        | -----                                                      |
|    |                        |              |        | First Entry Offset      : 16                               |
|    |                        |              |        | Index Entries Size      : 136                              |
|    |                        |              |        | Index Entries Allocated : 136                              |
|    |                        |              |        | Flags                   : Large Index                      |
| 5  | $INDEX_ALLOCATION      | True         | 12288  | Index                                                      |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000004 : $AttrDef                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000008 : $BadClus                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000006 : $Bitmap                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000007 : $Boot                            |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000000b : $Extend                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000002 : $LogFile                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000000 : $MFT                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000001 : $MFTMirr                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000002d : $RECYCLE.BIN                     |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000009 : $Secure                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000000a : $UpCase                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000003 : $Volume                          |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000005 : .                                |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000240c : Dir1                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000218 : Dir2                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000212a : Dir3                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000024 : Dir4                             |
|    |                        |              |        |        0000000000000def : RECYCLER                         |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000001b : System Volume Information        |
|    |                        |              |        |        000000000000001b : SYSTEM~1                         |
| 6  | $BITMAP                | False        | 8      | Index Node Used         : 2                                |


bitlocker disk=3 volume=1
FVE Version    : 2
State          : ENCRYPTED
Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Encrypted Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Algorithm      : AES-XTS-128
Timestamp      : 2020-02-26 16:39:17

Volume Master Keys:

| Id | Type              | GUID                                   | Details                                          |
| 1  | Password          | {2dd368f3-37d7-414f-94e6-3c5b86fadd50} | Nonce         : 01d5ecbb00f7155000000003         |
|    |                   |                                        | MAC           : daea96439babc5d1e7f20c8860ff1ee9 |
|    |                   |                                        | Encrypted Key : b76281568419ec3bee89d1eddccf3169 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 59c466b6b392f40f0875e58168d868d7 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 0788bd366bec117b11a9fd6e         |
|    |                   |                                        |                                                  |
|    |                   |                                        | JtR Hash      : $bitlocker$1$16$daea96439babc5d1 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 e7f20c8860ff1ee9$1048576$12$5015 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 f700bbecd50103000000$60$175ec23c |
|    |                   |                                        |                 d799e2bde9d24bf3697919feb7628156 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 8419ec3bee89d1eddccf316959c466b6 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 b392f40f0875e58168d868d70788bd36 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 6bec117b11a9fd6e                 |
| 2  | Recovery Password | {19b4a3e2-94b3-452f-a614-6212faeb1b9d} | Nonce         : 01d5ecbb00f7155000000006         |
|    |                   |                                        | MAC           : b9963d29e1bad1f42e60c3bfb6e3bef5 |
|    |                   |                                        | Encrypted Key : 97a43d40c695c6d190eba3956ac7c7b1 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 f5fdbbc7f9a61a77c914fa347479c7ac |
|    |                   |                                        |                 6124ff46865e805367f7bef1         |
|    |                   |                                        |                                                  |
|    |                   |                                        | JtR Hash      : $bitlocker$1$16$b9963d29e1bad1f4 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 2e60c3bfb6e3bef5$1048576$12$5015 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 f700bbecd50106000000$60$3a06a06f |
|    |                   |                                        |                 db044d850ecd6faf5cf2aec997a43d40 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 c695c6d190eba3956ac7c7b1f5fdbbc7 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 f9a61a77c914fa347479c7ac6124ff46 |
|    |                   |                                        |                 865e805367f7bef1                 |
bitlocker disk=3 volume=1 password=badpassword
FVE Version    : 2
State          : ENCRYPTED
Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Encrypted Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Algorithm      : AES-XTS-128
Timestamp      : 2020-02-26 16:39:17

Tested Password:

| Id | Type     | GUID                                   | Password    | Result  |
| 1  | Password | {2dd368f3-37d7-414f-94e6-3c5b86fadd50} | badpassword | Invalid |
bitlocker disk=3 volume=1 password=123456789
FVE Version    : 2
State          : ENCRYPTED
Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Encrypted Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Algorithm      : AES-XTS-128
Timestamp      : 2020-02-26 16:39:17

Tested Password:

| Id | Type     | GUID                                   | Password  | Result                                  |
| 1  | Password | {2dd368f3-37d7-414f-94e6-3c5b86fadd50} | 123456789 | Valid                                   |
|    |          |                                        |           |                                         |
|    |          |                                        |           | VMK  : 751bf363db63ba6f1b36fb2ecd5ff1d8 |
|    |          |                                        |           |        f5eab77e8754a848f2743978c7615f9f |
|    |          |                                        |           | FVEK : 35b8197e6d74d8521f49698d5f556589 |
|    |          |                                        |           |        2cf286ae5323c65631965c905a9d7da4 |


bitdecrypt disk=3 volume=1 output=decrypted.img fvek=35b8197e6d74d8521f49698d5f5565892cf286ae5323c65631965c905a9d7da4
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{09a02598-0000-0000-0002-000000000000}\
[+] Reading Bitlocker VBR
[-]   Volume State   : ENCRYPTED
[-]   Size           : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
[-]   Encrypted Size : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
[-]   Algorithm      : AES-XTS-128
[+] Decrypting sectors
[-]   Processed data size : 512.00 MiBs (100%)
[+] Duration : 7535ms
[+] Closing Volume


fve disk=3 volume=1 fve_block=2
Signature             : -FVE-FS-
Size                  : 57
Version               : 2
Current State         : ENCRYPTED (4)
Next State            : ENCRYPTED (4)
Encrypted Size        : 536870400 (512.00 MiBs)
Convert Size          : 0
Backup Sectors        : 16
FVE Block 1           : 0000000002100000
FVE Block 2           : 00000000059e4000
FVE Block 3           : 00000000092c8000
Backup Sectors Offset : 0000000002110000

FVE Metadata Header

Size                  : 840
Version               : 1
Header Size           : 48
Copy Size             : 840
Volume GUID           : {70a57ea3-9b98-4034-8b6a-645f731e2d1e}
Next Counter          : 10
Algorithm             : AES-XTS-128 (8004)
Timestamp             : 2020-02-26 16:39:17

FVE Metadata Entries (5)

| Id | Version | Size | Entry Type          | Value Type      | Value                                            |
| 1  | 1       | 72   | Drive Label         | Unicode         | String        : TWN NTFSDRIVE 26/02/2020  |
| 2  | 1       | 224  | VMK                 | VMK             | Key ID        : {2dd368f3-37d7-414f-94e6-3c5b86f |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 add50}                           |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Last Change   : 2020-02-26 16:40:00              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Protection    : Password                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1 - Stretch Key - 108                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Encryption    : STRETCH KEY                      |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : daea96439babc5d1e7f20c8860ff1ee9 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1.1 - AES-CCM - 80                     |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000002                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 1dfebdc79a966e72ca806d6a83d8c7ba |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : eb51a188df981b54f51698c76d76a8bb |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 d22afbbe27603ea6afc34c077726262e |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 5ba07482053d3c36fdecf80f         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #2 - AES-CCM - 80                       |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000003                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 175ec23cd799e2bde9d24bf3697919fe |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : b76281568419ec3bee89d1eddccf3169 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 59c466b6b392f40f0875e58168d868d7 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 0788bd366bec117b11a9fd6e         |
| 3  | 1       | 316  | VMK                 | VMK             | Key ID        : {19b4a3e2-94b3-452f-a614-6212fae |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 b1b9d}                           |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Last Change   : 2020-02-26 16:40:07              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Protection    : Recovery Password                |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1 - Stretch Key - 172                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Encryption    : STRETCH KEY                      |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : b9963d29e1bad1f42e60c3bfb6e3bef5 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1.1 - AES-CCM - 64                     |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000004                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 8064d679c7d8d1fa8ae548b0844882c7 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : 18d21021d40e3dc99d38c8dd84faed10 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 370c32095f4f63261ad8ec40         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #1.2 - AES-CCM - 80                     |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000005                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 3d40f2b5fc0091b894b438763fcdf4cd |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : a0af0aeda32d977d26ac76f9fc429668 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 955d2a6a49fe4e2323751924e47e6c39 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 8c22f7fcd2d4272003cb7a4e         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #2 - AES-CCM - 80                       |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000006                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 3a06a06fdb044d850ecd6faf5cf2aec9 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : 97a43d40c695c6d190eba3956ac7c7b1 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 f5fdbbc7f9a61a77c914fa347479c7ac |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 6124ff46865e805367f7bef1         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                                                  |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Property #3 - Unknown (00000015)                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |  - 28                                            |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | --------                                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Unknown Value Type (21)                          |
| 4  | 1       | 80   | FKEV                | AES-CCM         | Nonce as Hex  : 01d5ecbb00f71550                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce as Time : 2020-02-26 16:39:59              |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Nonce Counter : 00000008                         |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | MAC           : 2ff7d7f79920e3509fb8d20cb15b62c8 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Key           : 097169b9a5c41420ed2353a4a4210763 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 a8833d1a4a88c6f7c0c45ec7c0959f25 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 |                 2c8eac3f306e9fd1e693784a         |
| 5  | 1       | 100  | Volume Header Block | Offset and Size | Offset        : 0000000002110000                 |
|    |         |      |                     |                 | Size          : 0000000000002000                 |


logfile disk=4 volume=1 output=logfile.csv format=csv
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\
[+] Reading $LogFile record
[-]     $LogFile size : 4.14 MiBs
[+] Parsing $LogFile Restart Pages
[-]     Newest Restart Page LSN : 5274485
[-]     Volume marked as cleanly unmounted
[-]     Client found : [1] NTFS
[+] Parsing $LogFile Record Pages
[-]     $LogFile Record Page Count: 86
[+] Parsing $LogFile Records: 601
[+] Closing volume
Sample of logfile.csv


usn disk=4 volume=1 output=usn.csv format=csv
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\
[+] Finding $Extend\$UsnJrnl record
[+] Found in file record : 41
[+] Data stream $J size : 2.66 KiBs
[+] Reading $J
[+] Processing entry : 32
[+] Closing volume
Sample of usn.csv
2,0,53,4,5,5,0,2020-02-26 21:43:36,FILE_CREATE,0,0,DIRECTORY,Nouveau dossier
2,0,53,4,5,5,96,2020-02-26 21:43:36,FILE_CREATE+CLOSE,0,0,DIRECTORY,Nouveau dossier
2,0,53,4,5,5,192,2020-02-26 21:43:38,RENAME_OLD_NAME,0,0,DIRECTORY,Nouveau dossier
2,0,53,4,5,5,288,2020-02-26 21:43:38,RENAME_NEW_NAME,0,0,DIRECTORY,test
2,0,53,4,5,5,360,2020-02-26 21:43:38,RENAME_NEW_NAME+CLOSE,0,0,DIRECTORY,test
2,0,53,4,5,5,432,2020-02-26 21:43:39,OBJECT_ID_CHANGE,0,0,DIRECTORY,test
2,0,53,4,5,5,504,2020-02-26 21:43:39,OBJECT_ID_CHANGE+CLOSE,0,0,DIRECTORY,test
2,0,54,2,53,4,576,2020-02-26 21:43:41,FILE_CREATE,0,0,ARCHIVE,Nouveau document texte.txt


undelete disk=4 volume=1
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\
[+] Reading $MFT record
[+] $MFT size : 256.00 KiBs (~256 records)
[+] Reading $BITMAP record
[+] $BITMAP size : 16.00 KiBs
[+] Searching deleted files
[+] Processed data size : 262144 (100%)
[+] Duration : 7ms

Deleted Files Found

| Id | MFT Index | Flag | Filename                          | Size        | Deletion Date       | % Recoverable |
| 0  | 00000029  |      | .\$RECYCLE.BIN\[...]\$RAV85W4.jpg | 5.10 KiBs   | 2020-02-26 21:29:03 | 100.00        |
| 1  | 00000035  |      | .\$RECYCLE.BIN\[...]\$IAV85W4.jpg | 58.00 bytes | 2020-02-26 21:29:03 | 100.00        |
undelete disk=4 volume=1 inode=41 output=restored_kitten.jpg
[+] Opening \\?\Volume{00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}\
[+] Reading file record : 41
[+] Extracting $RAV85W4.jpg to restored_kitten.jpg
[+] 5219 bytes written


shell disk=4 volume=1
disk4:volume1:> ls

Inode | Type | Name                      | Size      | Creation Date       | Attributes
    4 |      | $AttrDef                  |      2560 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    8 |      | $BadClus                  |         0 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
      | ADS  |   $Bad                    | 536866816 |                     |
    6 |      | $Bitmap                   |     16384 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    7 |      | $Boot                     |      8192 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
   11 | DIR  | $Extend                   |           | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    2 |      | $LogFile                  |   4341760 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    0 |      | $MFT                      |    262144 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    1 |      | $MFTMirr                  |      4096 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
   50 | DIR  | $RECYCLE.BIN              |           | 2020-02-26 16:40:34 | Hi Sy
    9 |      | $Secure                   |         0 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
      | ADS  |   $SDS                    |    264200 |                     |
   10 |      | $UpCase                   |    131072 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
      | ADS  |   $Info                   |        32 |                     |
    3 |      | $Volume                   |         0 | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
    5 | DIR  | .                         |           | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy
   42 |      | hello.txt                 |         5 | 2020-02-26 21:27:33 | Ar
   39 |      | kitten1.jpg               |     23486 | 2020-02-26 16:37:23 | Ar
      | ADS  |   Zone.Identifier         |       154 |                     |
   40 |      | kitten2.jpg               |     79678 | 2020-02-26 16:37:55 | Ar
      | ADS  |   Zone.Identifier         |       303 |                     |
   41 |      | kitten3.jpg               |      5219 | 2020-02-26 16:38:16 | Ar
      | ADS  |   Zone.Identifier         |       262 |                     |
   36 | DIR  | System Volume Information |           | 2020-02-26 16:35:29 | Hi Sy

disk4:volume1:> pwd
disk4:volume1:> cat hello.txt
Hey !
disk4:volume1:> exit