
A React app boilerplate with the minimal parts (Babel, Webpack 2, Linters etc...) with a priority of simplicity, configurability, and maintainablity.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It is likley the case that using one of the boilerplates list below is more than adequite for the average developer working on an average React app.

This isn't a slight of the boilerplates or average developers. Both get the job done just fine in most situtaions.

However, a time will come when knowing the details off all aspects of a development stack will be required. When this happens you'll need something that is more boilerplate and less application seed. That is React App Dawn.


  1. Install Node & npm
  2. run > npm i webpack-dev-server@2.1.0-beta.9 webpack@2.1.0-beta.25 eslint stylelint browser-sync rimraf -g from a terminal
  3. Download this repo, cd into the repo directory from a terminal and run > npm install
  4. run > npm run start:dev this will open the app up in a web browser at localhost:8080

npm CLI scripts:

npm run [name:name] Description (read comments in package.json for more details)
npm run start:dev Start webpack dev server, serve src directory at localhost:8080 using hot reloading
npm run build Create a build version (bundle, lint, minify etc..) of src, place that in the build directory
npm run start:prod Start browser-sync, serve build directory at localhost:3000
npm run lint:js lint all js files in src directory
npm run lint:css lint all css file sin src directory

Broad description of tools used (including implementation deails):

Node Version Manager

  • Node Version Manager is used to manage which version of node is used for this app.
  • the .nvmrc defines the current version of node.

Webpack 2

  • Webpack 2 is used to take es2015 modules and translate them into a chunked format that can run in web browsers.
  • The configuration file for webpack is webpack.config.babel.js.
  • By using babel in the name of the file the file, webpack.config.babel.js, it will be babalized before running.


Polyfill Browser DOM and JS features


  • Use eslint & stylelint, linters, configured from files found in linters directory

Conventions used:

  • Keep webpack config to a small single file that deals with both dev and production.
  • Own the js and CSS linter rules (starting point taken from eslint-config-airbnb and stylelint-config-standard)
  • Don't place unecessary configurations in package.json that can be contained in there own configuration file (e.g. .babelrc, .nvmrc, .eslintrc, .stylelintrc).
  • Linting happens during development in the developers editor and at build time