🌐 Istio E-Commerce Platform 🛒

📋 Overview

This project demonstrates an advanced usage of Istio within a Kubernetes environment to manage a microservices-based e-commerce platform. It showcases features like traffic management, security enhancements, observability, and resilience patterns. The platform consists of several key microservices: Product Catalog Service, User Accounts Service, Shopping Cart Service, and Order Processing Service.

🚀 Prerequisites

  • Kubernetes Cluster (Minikube, EKS, GKE, AKS, or any Kubernetes-compatible environment)
  • Istio Service Mesh installed on the cluster
  • Docker
  • kubectl command-line tool configured to interact with your cluster

✨ Features

  • Traffic Management: Utilizes Istio's powerful traffic management capabilities, including gateways, virtual services, and destination rules for efficient traffic routing and versioned deployments.

  • Security: Implements strict mTLS policies for secure service-to-service communication and fine-grained access control with authorization policies.

  • Observability: Integrates with Prometheus for metrics collection, Grafana for metrics visualization, and Jaeger for distributed tracing.

  • Resilience: Demonstrates patterns like circuit breaking, rate limiting, and fault injection to improve the system's robustness.